New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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We don't like change!'s ok but all this social networking garbage (buttons) is just irritating.
Needs more boxes in boxes, and more subforums need to disappear. Apart from that it's great!
It's far far too busy - there's some nice touches, but the screen is so busy and cluttered with boxes and shadows that it makes my eyes bleed.
It's slightly better now i've got 100 posts per page, but it's still very distracting. It's not easy on the eyes at all, i guess it's just change.
wow as someone said its very busy. Too many boxes.

personally I think its terrible. thought my browser was loading in some 90's forum for a second....
I gotta say 2 things:

  1. The Xenforo post was up for weeks if not months for you to say what you think about the design. nobody said anything about boxes within boxes.
  2. I agree with the boxes within boxes, but mainly because of the user box, everything outside of the threads look clean (to a degree), but yes threads are too boxy:
    1. drop the drop shadow,
    2. stretch image width of container
    3. and to 0px of bottom border
    4. remove all margins of the user and comment boxes to look a bit cleaner
    5. have the buttons "Report", "Trust", "+Quote" and "Reply" the same margin distance on bottom as the sides.
  3. Buttons on the bottom don't seem to have common margins:
Can I get a like for that? No? aww

Completely agree on the shadows on everything.

The reply box being black is also weird.


And the highlighting of the buttons for 'Bold' 'image insert', I guess it's supposed to be a blue highlight when the mouse pointer goes over them, but it looks almost colour inverted.
How else can I reduce the premium? I’ve said 3000 miles a year, parking it on my drive…. There’s a million options for additional security and whats all this about Data tagging? Does it make a difference or rather justify cos

A post I previously made has come out like this......

Also I cant stand these new forums.... Why break something that isn't broken.. Absolutely AWFUL layout, cheap and tacky ... Meh.

How and where do I see threads I've posted or commented on?
any way to remove the slightly brighter blue lines? makes my eyes go all woozy lol :(

Got to admit, the JPEG artifacting doesn't help. But looking with Photoshop there is actually a different colour there., it's a 1 pixel wide change either side of the black post border. I can't actually find any reference to that colour in any of the StyleSheets however. I'm not sure what is generating it!
I see now every one has an avatar.
I can't see from the user settings how to not use an avatar or how to select a predefined avatar.
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