New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Is it just me or are the little envelope icons missing the little black dots to show you've replied in a thread?
I'm not going to be one of those 'I hate change' people because I've already found some very cool bits of functionality that I like.

For instance, as I'm typing this a little notification appears that says 'messages have been postest since you loaded this page. View them?'

Also, it definitely seems quicker than the old forum.

However, there's a lot of UI/UX stuff that will need tweaking before it's perfect. I'll put together a longer poster later on but thought I would pop in and say good work guys, a great start and with a bit of development this could be a beautiful thing.
I've just had to put a tick in the check box to allow members to send me PMs - think that might be why some users have a "start conversation" option when you click their usernames and some don't.
I gotta say 2 things:

  1. The Xenforo post was up for weeks if not months for you to say what you think about the design. nobody said anything about boxes within boxes.
  2. I agree with the boxes within boxes, but mainly because of the user box, everything outside of the threads look clean (to a degree), but yes threads are too boxy:
    1. drop the drop shadow,
    2. stretch image width of container
    3. and to 0px of bottom border
    4. remove all margins of the user and comment boxes to look a bit cleaner
    5. have the buttons "Report", "Trust", "+Quote" and "Reply" the same margin distance on bottom as the sides.
  3. Buttons on the bottom don't seem to have common margins:
Can I get a like for that? No? aww
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There seems to be an issue with 'Reply' counts as well in some areas. For example, in the 'For Sale PC Hardware and Software' forum, the following posts have the wrong counts shown.


The top and bottom threads both have 0 replies visible and the middle thread has a lot more replies than 1!
I like it...

For instance, as I'm typing this a little notification appears that says 'messages have been postest since you loaded this page. View them?'

And I subsequently highlighted that line of yours, and it popped up with a "+Quote" window. Very useful too :D
I've just had to put a tick in the check box to allow members to send me PMs - think that might be why some users have a "start conversation" option when you click their usernames and some don't.

Your alert just showed up!

Better late than never
Your alert just showed up!

Better late than never

Odd the new software must be bedding itself in, hilly @'d me earlier but I didn't get an alert for it.

I only seem to get alerts for quoted posts and new "conversations" - still I'm sure after a few weeks the teething issues will be sorted.
3Spooky5me, Going to take some getting used to.

Option to delete posts, interesting.

I do like the go to quote arrow, doesn't reload the page.
Don't know if it's because it's first visit but the main page doesn't show any difference between a forum with new posts and one that hasn't been posted in since last visit? And also each post takes up more screen space so less on the screen at one time?

That's whats bugging me, too much over-bright text as well
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