New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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I've turned on signatures and avatars, which I had off before, this greatly helps break up the page, without them it's all very samey.
You can't hide forum sections now, so I cannot have a custom forums page with a lot of the stuff I don't visit hidden.

Thank god you got rid of that outer glow on the logo. That has bugged me ever since that was made.
Can we have the functionality to close up a group of sub forums back again? In the previous forum there was a little arrow on the right of the 'Life', 'Apple' etc titles which allowed us to expand and contract those we wren't interested in. It also saved their state between visits.
Raised as a feature request / bug :)
I know it's very popular to hate on the new theme/change etc. But I have found that since the change I have difficulty with the legibility of certain elements due to spacing.

For thread listings, both posts and title/OP details are very close together (I don't think the page numbers positioning helps either).

For the thread/posts view - spacing between the user information on the left and post content has a similar issue. I'd recommend adding some more padding and maybe a small vertical line/border to help separate it better. Also the 'card' style that each post has also doesn't help with reading through comments as it breaks the continuity a little.
And can you enable the default XenForo style, until the blue one is resolved id rather use that.
tons of my recent posts and threads are missing, just PM'd that w/out realising there was a thread here, soz.
eg, my thread about NYC hotels is gone, so i've lost all that info i got from people :-|
I know it's very popular to hate on the new theme/change etc. But I have found that since the change I have difficulty with the legibility of certain elements due to spacing.

For thread listings, both posts and title/OP details are very close together (I don't think the page numbers positioning helps either).

For the thread/posts view - spacing between the user information on the left and post content has a similar issue. I'd recommend adding some more padding and maybe a small vertical line/border to help separate it better. Also the 'card' style that each post has also doesn't help with reading through comments as it breaks the continuity a little.

I agree with that, or maybe a colour thats not white, ie darker than the title of the thread
Managed to sort it thanks.

Just bits of blue left, like hovering over images, page numbers at the bottom etc and also unable to submit changes when editing, but so far loving the dark theme.

Thanks! yes still lots of bits to clean up, I won't get a chance until this evening though.
HI there

I see it as a minor change. Of course I've seen the trial and had a quick go in the months running upto launch.

But needless to say this morning, log onto forum, looks a little different, but still easily recognised as OcUK. Being able to post, reply and make threads just as before, its a change for the better and one easy to adapt too. Anyone saying its a major change or a change for the worse is hugely confusing as it took me all of a couple of minutes to adapt to the new format and way of posting.

Thumbs up from me! ;)
The ability to click on the total post number on the thread listing now doesn't offer the total posts in said threead by each member. Can this be added? I liked that feature

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As a user who has used the dark theme for a long time, I jumped on this straight away. Works very well except for when editing my post (which I do a lot as I only see my mistakes after I press post), I can't see how to save editing?

This theme is pretty awesome as well but could do with slightly whiter text as well but massive Kudos for this (and the guys who have worked on the new OcUK layout). Change is always hard but we will get used to it.
And can you enable the default XenForo style, until the blue one is resolved id rather use that.

I bet they've been testing the blue before todays release, it simply is easier to debug/make it work when community uses it. So going to default style will achieve nothing. I agree, it is painful to use right now.
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