New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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After years and years of being used to the previous incarnation, my eyes are struggling a bit getting used to this. But hey, nothing is a constant, embrace change folks!! :cool:
The thing is if you want constructive criticism you need to have a dedicated thread with specific rules in place for identifying people's concerns. This particular topic has no bounds defined in the OP, people are inevitably going to moan so it's best to just ignore it. There's no way you can weed out constructive criticism from an almost 1000 post thread like this.

The fact that people feel so strongly shouldn't be taken as offence, it should be a measure of how much they want these forums to be the best forums on the internet. And any such moans should simply be added to the tally of design issues which need to be dealt with.

Half of the "moan" posts could have been avoided by simply having a poll, Like, Dislike, Undo.
Many of these people would have just voted instead of leaving a moan post.

For example has the issue with the black dot missing from this icon
been recognised as an issue?

You really don't, there doesn't need to be parameters for the thread. people can moan - but this guy has moaned, then moaned, moaned some more, and carried on moaning. The posts from the mod team are a reflection of that.

And yes, its been raised about the lack of markings when you've replied in a thread.

And also, there is no undo option - unless something catastrophic failed - which it hasn't. To go from one outdated piece of software, to modern software, then remigrating to old software isn't an easy task.
As a user who has used the dark theme for a long time, I jumped on this straight away. Works very well except for when editing my post (which I do a lot as I only see my mistakes after I press post), I can't see how to save editing?

This theme is pretty awesome as well but could do with slightly whiter text as well but massive Kudos for this (and the guys who have worked on the new OcUK layout). Change is always hard but we will get used to it.

I'll look into that later, not sure what's caused it!
As a user who has used the dark theme for a long time, I jumped on this straight away. Works very well except for when editing my post (which I do a lot as I only see my mistakes after I press post), I can't see how to save editing?

This theme is pretty awesome as well but could do with slightly whiter text as well but massive Kudos for this (and the guys who have worked on the new OcUK layout). Change is always hard but we will get used to it.

Change the aaa near the top to fff and you get white text, looks nicer on the grey.
As a user who has used the dark theme for a long time, I jumped on this straight away. Works very well except for when editing my post (which I do a lot as I only see my mistakes after I press post), I can't see how to save editing?

This theme is pretty awesome as well but could do with slightly whiter text as well but massive Kudos for this (and the guys who have worked on the new OcUK layout). Change is always hard but we will get used to it.

That looks 10x better. Not keen on the dropshadows, millions of black borders/lines everywhere and blockyness of the new design.
HI there

I see it as a minor change. Of course I've seen the trial and had a quick go in the months running upto launch.

But needless to say this morning, log onto forum, looks a little different, but still easily recognised as OcUK. Being able to post, reply and make threads just as before, its a change for the better and one easy to adapt too. Anyone saying its a major change or a change for the worse is hugely confusing as it took me all of a couple of minutes to adapt to the new format and way of posting.

Thumbs up from me! ;)

I generally agree with this, I just think it needs some tweaking to help with legibility.
Awesome thanks. Could you also remove my name from the swear filter too :D


I expect data is still being copied over, don't worry it will be there eventually.

Not worried, just curious! Thanks :)

Addditionally, the multi quote system works nicely. It makes it really easy to reply to numerous people. I should say that when organising the order of the quotes, if what you are quoting was a reply to something else, you only really see what they were replying to. A small thing but potentially worth noting?
You want honest feedback?

It's horrid.

Just seems totally unnecessary. It's basically the same but with pointless additional screen furniture. The endless nesting of boxes/areas is irritating and just consumes screen space. For example a quote inside a post is now nested inside four levels of boxes.

Really just don't see the point.
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