New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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That's a long list of issues in the first post - what happened to product testing?!
Anyway, not too bad a look, but seems to be a lot of empty space around posts.

P.S It also feels more responsive too.
Both of these things are happening right now. In fact, most people complaining about how everything in new theme is bold, complain because they see forum for the first time ie. everything on this forum is new, therefore bold.

Everything was bold for me initially but after I clicked "mark all forums read" it reset every thread on the entire site read for me, so non-bold, it also set all subforums to non-bold also. Since then it is behaving like it was before the forum update, i.e. new posts result in bold thread titles and corresponding forum titles on the forum page. I don't get this "all bold" thing you are talking about since I did this. My issue is the visibility between the bold and non-bold text and the colour of the ocuk icon next to the forum title, it is arse about face as it stands.
Search has been properly shanked too by the looks of it. If you search your forum name for threads you've created or posted in, you get results for today (or since the new forum) but then there's a giant gap in the result history to threads you posted in months ago (rather than days ago).
Search has been properly shanked too by the looks of it. If you search your forum name for threads you've created or posted in, you get results for today (or since the new forum) but then there's a giant gap in the result history to threads you posted in months ago (rather than days ago).
yep, I just noticed this when going back to price drop my mm thread. Jumps back to september.
The blue stylish theme is very nice, and has fixed most of the UI issues for me.

Not being able to collapse the main page though, that is infuriating. :p
Well there seems to be less lines all over the place than this morning.

That drop shadow tho. Only thing on the entire page pretending to be 3d and its not nice to see.
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