New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Joking aside, thank you for the feedback - a lot of us in the moderating team are keen to get this sorted to make the tweaks necessary to make the platform more slick.

Yes, it's not perfect, but at least we're moving in the right direction. Whilst we had some access to the staging area, a lot of it is out of our control - the mods/admins do not have access to the core software - PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH US! :) We will take your feedback (and to be fair you've flagged up a lot of the things we have noticed too) and we will ask for further tweaks to be applied.
Who has actually designed the forum?

I'm hoping it's a member of staff at OcUK. Paying someone externally for this mess would be shameful.

I could make all the necessary tweaks within 30mins and wouldn't even charge! ;)
HATE it lol I thought my web browser had buggered up or something when I first came on here, its just my opinion but I think the old style forum was 100 times better in every way!
It would have been better deploying a UAT version so that people could give you feedback and work out bugs/what works/what doesnt then when your ready flip it with the main live site.

I'm sure this method has been mentioned previously :p
Who has actually designed the forum?

I'm hoping it's a member of staff at OcUK. Paying someone externally for this mess would be shameful.

I could make all the necessary tweaks within 30mins and wouldn't even charge! ;)
Same guy that did the shop :D.

Happy to see likes aren't here (unless that's a bug :D).

Seems to be a lot of wasted space in this theme. Between the posts, search box is massive could be incorporated into the menu bar.

Did it have to go live today? Just wondering why a opt in beta wasn't done.
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