New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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I seem to be getting lots of strange page layouts (firefox, windows 10). For instance if you go into the "Random Pictures thread" when not logged in the page numbers (300+) when viewed with default post per page doesn's space the 3 digit page numbers properly. So page 333 between 332 & 334 just becomes "33". It's like the element is being floated behind the other elements.

The login link is similar, it seems to float above the advert. Is this by design to get accidentical clicks? I hope not, that would be cheap.
I've can't post in the members market states (You have insufficient privileges to reply here.) I've contacted one of the Moderators via email hopefully this can be resolved shortly. God I hope I don't miss anything I want.
If you read the thread, even one of the last few pages you'd see the MM is locked to everyone :o
I can look in the members market but don't have any permissions to post replys? Is it because I have less than 1000 posts? When I joined it was 250 posts.

Edit. Ok I've just seen the post :)
Guys in the MM locked or am I just not worthy?

<joke, please put down the ban hammer>

I'm used to the layout now and, shock horror, prefer it to the old one. With some little tweaks it'll be great.
MM announcement:

I'll also update the OP but as I'm not one of the devs, I can only comment on what I know to be fixed.
Okay, I only say as it's not been touch since yesterday, and I'm imagine a good percentage of the unread posts in here I have since last night are the same things going around and around.

Also, not sure if you're aware, but 'new' obscures some text in posts. :)
I know some of our admins were up until the early hours fixing minor things but the larger changes are likely to take time. I don't have a timescale for that, though I imagine sometime today for the big stuff.

Also: yes "New" is one of the things which is in the OP (now updated)
I know some of our admins were up until the early hours fixing minor things but the larger changes are likely to take time. I don't have a timescale for that, though I imagine sometime today for the big stuff.

Also: yes "New" is one of the things which is in the OP (now updated)
I was kidding on 'new'. :)

Maybe I'm blind but Youtube tag replacement is not listed?
Just saw the Facebook button, that's disgusting and I can't believe you got it on the forum, take it off lads.
The way you make it sound is they just killed a member of your family. Why does it matter so much? These forums cost a lot of money and if they can use them to increase the company profile on social networks then what is the issue?
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