New Gaming Rig Advice..

Change to IDE it's only the OS going on this.

Check that the first boot is USB still.

save exit.

You will need to plug ssd back in after.
We're going for simple - it's your brothers PC - and speed gains for AHCI would be negligible on such an old drive - plus we can't update the drives firmware (safely) and we've yet to ascertain that it's stable (checked its read/write etc with software). So IDE makes sense to get it operational.
We're going for simple - it;s your brothers PC - and speed gains for AHCI would be negligible plus we can't update drives firmware (safely) and we've yet to ascertain that it's stable (checked its read/write etc with software)

Simple is good. He will just be happy it's back and running again with a new graphics card! Right Windows installer is back up...
Do you reckon stulid had that chicken?

I'm still hungry thinking about it - damn him and his tasty link :)

Although, the bud i'm drinking is probably making it worse.
Was updating and said Windows needs to restart then when it did it said some message about am I sure I want to change to IDE (didn't quite catch the message) there was a 10 second countdown, after that it went back to Windows but it's right back at the start of the installation! Back to before I put product key and stuff..
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