NEW! Get 20% Cash Back on MSI Z68 Motherboards!

I don't understand why you keep trolling, I've already made it clear that we are refunding the VAT on the board. 20% refers to the amount of VAT you pay. I'm sure you understand how to calculate VAT. Don't forget that VAT is a tax added to the cost of the board, it's not part of the cost, we are refunding 20% of the cost of the board.

The RRP condition is to stop resellers inflating their price beyond the normal profit margins that we allow for. Our RRP is more than fair for everyone.

What an obnoxious post from someone who calls himself an MSI representative. Where do you expect to head with this kind of behaviour? :confused:

This bit
The rebate you will receive will be 20% of your original invoice amount including VAT

clearly states the amount includes VAT.

Either you're blind or being trolled by your company.

I didn't question the fairness of the RRP, all I've said is that it's unclear to use, customers, what the RRP for any specific board is.

It doesn't say it on your website, it doesn't state it on OcUK either. We don't know if they sell at or under the RRP.
What an obnoxious post
not meant to come across as obnoxious, sorry if it does. It's meant to be a mixture of questioning, as to why you continue to question the offer despite already being told that we are offering to refund the VAT, and a repeat of the definitive answer on what the offer entails.

oh dear that's not the best grammar

with regards the RRP, this is quoted to the reseller but not public as we do not wish to upset any reseller who wants to set their own pricing policies.
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not meant to come across as obnoxious, sorry if it does. It's meant to be a mixture of questioning, as to why you continue to question the offer despite already being told that we are offering to refund the VAT, and a repeat of the definitive answer on what the offer entails.

oh dear that's not the best grammar

with regards the RRP, this is quoted to the reseller but not public as we do not wish to upset any reseller who wants to set their own pricing policies.

You still don't get it, do you?

The Terms and Conditions of the promotion posted in the OP contradict what you're saying.

That's not right from the legal point of view and you should either amend your posts or the OP.

I don't know if you don't understand your own promotion's T&Cs or you're just trying to brush it off.

It's a simple thing to do, make sure that the promotion is what it says it is because someone may complain at a later date and your word posted in this thread has no legal value compared to the T&Cs of the promotion.

That's it from me, just a bit of a friendly advice.

I'm not after a new board (yet) so it's not like I'm trying to clarify it for my own benefit.
I do understand you, I really do, i'm not posting to get the post count up after all. I'm just trying to clarify for the benefit of anyone reading the thread what the offer entails.

please understand, changing things takes time especially when not everything is posted and hosted by myself.

That said, in our defence, the boldest statement on all promo materials is "get your 20% vat back" and the opening statement on our promotion landing page states "we will pay your VAT", so we could not be accused of intentionally misleading anyone
"get your 20% vat back" ?

Actually the boldest bit says "Get your VAT 20% back" which doesn't read the same at all.

Personally the extra couple of percent doesn't make any difference, but your "I don't understand why you keep trolling," post to the original person genuinely asking for clarification is enough to stop me buying your products.
Have you changed the text of the terms in this offer (3.3 to be exact) as I thought that it specified 20% of the value including VAT when I ordered? The download pdf claim form also specifies 'including VAT'?
err.. just bought gd65, on boot always reads marvel and says no drives found, i use intel, how do i swtich to that?
that's normal if you've got no drive connected to the marvel controller, it's just the drive detection stage for the secondary drive controller. the Intel detection is done instantly as part of the UEFI BIOS.
to the original person genuinely asking for clarification is enough to stop me buying your products.
I dont expect to change your mind but I already said that it wasnt meant the way it sounded and apologised. That said,
I'm not after a new board (yet) so it's not like I'm trying to clarify it for my own benefit.
by his own admission he wasnt looking to take advantage of the deal yet he re-raised the issue after my explanation. So continually interjecting himself into the thread to repeatedly hammer home his point could be classed as trolling. Ask the question, get the answer.

as I said, I happen to agree with him, that if you took the original T&C wording by itself and ignored all the other information provided on the landing pages and banners then there could be some confusion, which is why I took steps to alter the wording.

Have you changed the text of the terms in this offer (3.3 to be exact) as I thought that it specified 20% of the value including VAT when I ordered? The download pdf claim form also specifies 'including VAT'?
yes, I altered the wording of the live T&C to satisfy those who don't understand that the nature of the offer is to refund the 20% VAT.
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yes, I altered the wording of the T&C to satisfy those who don't understand that the nature of the offer is to refund the 20% VAT.

I perfectly understand that was the nature of the offer from the start but as others have pointed out the terms, which are usually the legally binding aspect of an agreement, contradict the intent of the offer. The problem is you still have conflicting information in your terms as the download states price paid including VAT. Not everyone will read the terms in the link but they may go on to read the printed version while completing the claim form.
Well you have changed my mind, from being reasoably sure, to now 100% certain I won't buy your products,

There was acually no ambiguity at all. As read my me, noted by dcsarge above and now yourself, the original terms clearly stated it was 20% of the price including VAT. The whole point of T&Cs is that they govern the contract, not any other marketing blurb.
How you can say anyone trying to clarify that for the sake of others was a troll just because he wasn't about to buy himslef is beyond me.

those who don't understand that the nature of the offer... is even more of an insult. It isn't a case of anyone being too stupid to understand, it was simply that you got the T&Cs wrong!!!!!

As for the tone of your responses, maybe your don't understand the nature of PR?
those who don't understand that the nature of the offer... is even more of an insult. It isn't a case of anyone being too stupid to understand, it was simply that you got the T&Cs wrong!!!!!
you are twisting the words into what you think they mean and i suppose that I should take the blame for not reading my replies carefully enough to ensure that there is no room for misinterpretation.

again, i'm sorry if you think that was meant as an insult but it wasnt, Krugga himself in an earlier post said "I'm still not sure if it's 20% of the total price for the consumer or just the VAT back." and in paraphrasing that is it not fair to say that he did not understand? I never called anybody stupid and I never intended to insinuate that anyone was. :(

I've also admitted fault in not ensuring that the terms & conditions did not clearly explain the nature of the deal (in my defence, the bulk of it was copy pasted from an identical promotion that we did with P67 and we did not have this problem back then so I was not expecting one this time - but hind-sight is a wonderful thing and all I can do is say sorry and fix it :()

I have apologised a number of times and now taken advantage of term 4.1 (in which we reserved the right to change the promotion without notice) to change the wording of the terms to better fit the message provided by the rest of the promotional material.

I always do my best to provide the users on this forum with interesting competitions, good deals and when called upon, to the best of my ability, good, clear answers. This has gotten out of control because I came across cold and my intent was misunderstood.
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Presumably though the promotion change only affects new purchases and people such as dcsarge will be given the full 20% refund as a matter of goodwill ?
that's beyond my direct control at the moment but it's something which I have been in communication about since the problem was spotted.
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that's beyond my direct control at the moment but it's something which I have been in communication about since the problem was spotted.

I have no problem with the terms as clarified or yourself ScottiB :) and, at the time of order, I expected the cashback to be about £25. As it happens, I am buying for a friend and so long as he is happy with what he gets for his money (and my building skills) I am happy.

It is always good to have manufacturer reps on these boards and I wouldn't want that to change because of a single lapse in clarity (I have those on a daily basis, ask my wife :D).

I release you didn't intend to insult anyone and it's one of the reasons I don't post as much on this forum as some. I always type something and realise it may be misconstrued so I delete it and don't bother (one of my many character flaws). Life is too short to get upset over a few quid, especially when it's essentially free/saved money anyway.

Just triple check everything :D

Edited for typos again.
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Can't believe people are moaning, your already getting £25 knocked off the price and now moaning about wanting another £5, be thankful you didn't purchase these motherboards when mine was £159.99 back in July! :rolleyes:

Your getting a motherboard with virtually a mature bios now as well, that does what it should do!
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