I guess your board is in the same shipment as mine.Aye, probs same shipment haha.
Mine tracked in the UK this morning and cleared customs already so looks like it should arrive tomorrow with no extra fees to pay!
I guess your board is in the same shipment as mine.Aye, probs same shipment haha.
I guess your board is in the same shipment as mine.
Mine tracked in the UK this morning and cleared customs already so looks like it should arrive tomorrow with no extra fees to pay!
Still says
2 Aug
09:35 AM
Whittier, CA, US, United States
On DHL ecommerce tracking does it say it was shipped from Anaheim also? I have no idea how big these bags/crates are so maybe just haven't got around to doing mine yet and may bedone overnightPreviously mine was:
2021-08-02 09:32
Probably just didn't get scanned, I imagine you'll get yours tomorrow/Monday too!
Can't believe my board is going to arrive before my keycaps which Hermes have well and truly lost...
Mine still hasn't changed. So either I have to wait until next week or it's lost :/
I tracked mine on parcelsapp which provides a second tracking number at the bottom as DHL e-commerce seem to outsource once it actually reaches the UK.
To my horror it's now with Yodel although they apparently haven't received it if I track the new number on their site.
At least it's not Hermes doing the final delivery!
My white ISO board is arriving directly from Glorious today, cancelled my OC order as I guessed it wouldn't arrive on time like the black version.
I still have a polycarb plate on order though which I haven't heard anything about. Assume it'll be another 2-3 weeks tbh.