New Hitman game

Still no screenshots or impressions of performance - going to install it later myself but keen to know where to set expectations (reviews seem positive of the console versions)
Far as I know it's built on the same glacier 2 engine as absolution, but it's most likely been pimped up further, so it should look fantastic and hopefully run very well. I don't think my oc'd 5930k and 980ti will struggle anyway.
Played the beta a bit. It is better than Absolution already. It's much closer to Blood Money (how Hitman should be).

Performance isn't where it should be though. When looking at crowds it crawls on PC no matter what spec your using. But it runs fine on console, so something isn't quite right :/
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Time to play!.

Not a good start, benchmark crashes before it starts as does game.

Seems to be ok now.
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Just played through the prologue stuff,very good :) Seems to run really well too.

Had to back out to d/l the Paris level as it wasnt part of the preload apparently.

Really looking forward to contracts,the concept is superb and was only let down by smaller scale level design in Absolution.
Runs great, but I'm getting this weird fps stutter every few minutes of so. It drops to 40 for half a second and kind of pauses/freezes then carries on. GPU is at 73c and CPU only 50c.
Yea they seem to have locked the game to 60hz/fps and not included a refresh rate option in the menu. So theres some kind of frame skipping on 120/144hz monitors. Which is super dumb :/

Luckily theres a "fix"...

Goto the registry, then: HKCU/software/IO Interactive/Hitman

Change "refreshrate" (in decimal) to match your monitor. Tadaa, suddenly the game runs 10x smoother.
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Thoughts on waiting on the full release of the missions before I do try this out? I hate this episodic crap.
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