New Hitman game

So I've only played this for a couple of hours so far, mostly the training missions but despite all the gripes of it being in episodes etc it certainly feels like a real Hitman game and that to me is what's important.

Are there more missions than in the demo?
See a lot of people are angry about the "online only" DRM crap they put into this game,I dont see why Developers even bother with this sort of DRM all it does is annoy the legit people that bought the game,
The people that download it illegally bypass the DRM anyway.

The game looks really nice though from what i have seen,il pick it up when i can get a better deal though,dont like paying full prices for games these days.
Very tempted by this and it will be my first hitman.

What are your thoughts on the amount of hints though? I was watching the giant bomb quick look and it almost seemed too easy in that the game specifically tells you where to go to progress a path. I know it can be turned off, but do you think it makes for a more interesting game that way?

I think they've implemented more hints because it's the first episode and they wanted to introduce the mechanics to new players to make it easier for them. Playing without hints will certainly improve the game as Hitman was always about experimentation and freedom of choice (to me, at least). Too much hand holding is sure to clash with those premises so I'd turn them off to make the game more fun but it's a nice feature to have for people new to the series.
Apparently my lack of 3440x1440 res is due to only having 3GB of video memory. Registry changes are overwritten when the game launches. Oh well, new card arriving tomorrow but annoying nonetheless.
Just bought it only to discover the settings locks out options it think your PC cannot handle. I have an R9 290 and can't set the texture quality higher than low. What a joke. Is there a workaround for this yet? If I want to play 1440p with the options maxed at 10fps then I should be able to :mad: I got 40fps in the benchmark with all other options set to max at 2560x1440...

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I fired it up and you can change the texture quality unchallenged in the in-game settings :/. Runs perfectly fine except I get flickering lights most of the time. Not sure why yet.
Try the registry hack I linked above. Apart from being able to unlock the fixed 60hz refresh rate I believe there are other options in there too. Might be able to override the texture limit there...
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