New OCUK Dark theme out now, get it while it's hot!

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is there a way to make unread threads appear as a different colour ? because bold white and thin white dont work that well for me =\
is there a way to make unread threads appear as a different colour ? because bold white and thin white dont work that well for me =\

If you edit the style and find this bit:

a:link, body_alink{color: #bbb!important}
a:visited, body_avisited{color: #999!important}
a:hover, a:active, body_ahover{color: #fc2!important}

You can change the link colours (in yellow hex values) to something a little more obvious... You can use this to find colours.

I might have a tinker a bit later and if I get some better colours or styles for links I'll add an option on the theme, other people have said the same thing.
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Thanks, that will give me non-visited threads, i'm more after identifying threads with new content since the last visited though... do you know which hex value that would be?
Thanks, that will give me non-visited threads, i'm more after identifying threads with new content since the last visited though... do you know which hex value that would be?
I don't think there is a way to do that, there is no formatting in the original theme to differentiate between the two. You should see a little orange down-arrow that shows you when there is new content.

Either way I had a good think about the link colours and spent a while changing them about. In the end I decided to change them so they were a little brighter and there was no difference between visited and non-visited, at least for forum and thread links. It looks a lot tidier this way, if you prefer the original with different colours for visited threads the option is there under subtheme. I left pages showing different visited colour because I think that is useful without impacting the flow of the forum.
Thanks, that will give me non-visited threads, i'm more after identifying threads with new content since the last visited though... do you know which hex value that would be?
Just go here and drag and drop the bookmark into your bookmarks bar. Click it whenever you want to see new content.

Very rough "fix", but works.
Skyfall, would you mind having a look at the colour scheming for the PHP code tags? (See here for reference). I'm more than happy to if you don't have the time.


$variable = "test";

if(!function_exists()) {
function testFunc() {

return 0;

Yea that doesn't look very good... I'll sort it out a bit later.

White background would look best yes?
Is it possible to have a version of this where people can add their own colours? I slightly change the colours of mine, links, usernames etc, but then I can't keep up to date since I'd have to edit it each time, is there an easier way of doing this?
What colours do you change links etc to?

There is an alternate set of colours on the style if that helps. Other than that I think if you copy the styles you have changed and save them somewhere you should just be able to paste those changes at the bottom of the style and they will override the changes prior.
I wonder just how many people are now using this black theme over the standard blue and whether OcUK would considered implementing it as a properly installed theme as a user option with the user control panel?
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