New OCUK Dark theme out now, get it while it's hot!

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There have been many unsuccessful threads requesting it as an option, this being the most recent.

Which is a shame, it's a small change that would make a big difference.

You've already done most of the work for it to be done with the CSS too, it just needs porting to a vBulletin theme and then it's a 60 sec job to upload and enable user-selection of the theme kits, if things haven't changed. I've not used vbulletin in a while.
Which is a shame, it's a small change that would make a big difference.

You've already done most of the work for it to be done with the CSS too, it just needs porting to a vBulletin theme and then it's a 60 sec job to upload and enable user-selection of the theme kits, if things haven't changed. I've not used vbulletin in a while.
"Why bother if it works as it is?" - that's the way they look at it.
How do you remove the link at the top right of the page in Chome, if its possible. I've done it in FF (though i cant remember how!)

No, the link not the banner. I've already hidden the ad, but I cant remember how i removed the 'Free Shipping' link in FF.

Also, you dont need your userstyle to remove the banner. ;)
Well obviously you can use Adblock to hide the banner (which I assume is what you use) but that userstyle does exactly the same thing as Adblock and removes the link.

E2A: You can obviously hide the shipping link with Adblock as well. Open the preferences, then go to "Customize" and add this custom filter:


Alternatively, just right click on the link and click "Adblock->block this ad".
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Yeah thats what i did. :)

This is the bit you need!

/* Uncomment ot hide Advert */

Dont remember seeing it in Chrome, will check when i get home, Cheers. :)
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