New OCUK Dark theme out now, get it while it's hot!

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Hmm, I've changed all of those RGB numbers to white, but links are still orange.

This is good
Oooh, I quite like that material theme. Nice work. :)

Wiiija, I took the liberty of adding the following to your style which I took from Thesnipergecko's tweaks

.navPopup {
    width: 500px;

It makes the alerts popup a bit wider. :)

Also, just fyi, I noticed the background of the insert dropdown is blue.
Willja any chance you could add the following from Scottland's theme?

img[src$="styles/default/xenforo/online-indicator.png"] {
    padding: 3px;
    background-color: #00E676;

It's the online indicator, looks nicer than the default one.
I'll update the OP when I get home to reflect the current people's work and confirm none of the old stuff works, or it might be better to start a new topic and close this one down.
Still can't fathom out the reply box colour in Firefox, looks like it's loading another CSS ruleset up and is overriding the body colour.
Yeh I don't think its possible Scottland, we are stuck with it in blue, its not toooo bad though. Broken Hope I added Scottlands indicator tweak, I agree its better
Grey on Chrome though.

@Scottland @wiiija did you try this?

body[contenteditable="true"] { background: white; color: black !important; }
body[contenteditable="true"] a:link,
body[contenteditable="true"] a:visited,
body[contenteditable="true"] a:focus,
body[contenteditable="true"] a:active
{ color: black  !important; }
Is there a Stylish Editor which is a bit like my Web Page Editor so basically you click on something in the web page and it shows you where it is in the code?
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