**** New Official DayZ Thread *****

The Epoch 1.0.1 patch is very good! With the addition of working generators we've put on some night time and with all the bases.. there have been some intense firefights happening in the dark. Its not complete dark though, moonlit as pitch black isnt player friendly :( still weirds me out stalking a high traffic area in a forest without NVG and looking behind me with a forest thats pitchblack. Last night I got killed because everytime one of the admins spoke I was sure there were footsteps behind me, he shoots at me and misses.. we chase each other around. I had to get up, turn my light off and my second monitor to really see if I could see anything ingame.. I was convinced I could see what looked like a face and a PMC hat.. then a tree moved and put me off.. then what I was looking at moved and I dropped a brick then we ran some more and I got murdered :(

Wishlist for Epoch:

Firstly: Similar mechanic to the safe but for vehicles. - In the name of survival, all your stuff should be accessable and destroyable but people get caught up with DayZ trying to be "real" and on that note.. if it was real you wouldnt have a job somewhere else to go and when you're sleeping youd be sleeping in your base to defend your gear. We did look at making a teleport protection script only function when players of the base are all offline but my arma coding knowledge sucks and I couldnt work out how to adapt our current script... then so many bases popped up it was locking the map off with teleports.. so to combat that we put in lockable bases which has been much more fun and much less exploitable (havent found anything yet.. only people getting locked in others bases like a prison which is more comedy than anything, or people locking themselves in their garages with their vehicles)

Secondly: Lockable vehicle/backpack storage or at least an indication of whos going through your gear as its making people paranoid and as you cant access your bag on the fly you never know if someones in there before its too late.. only takes a few seconds to get something out of someones car or bag.. even a rustling sound effect would be good for me!

I really like just vanilla DayZ.. but there needs to be a way to save your stuff for when RL gets in the way.. I mean I'd just be happy with a tent that only appears when you're online and persists for 5-10mins after you logoff to stop people combat logging the tents at least but when you have people from all over the world connecting to a server.. you might aswell not have anything to save and it just becomes a game of using what you can carry.. where as with tents and storage thats trying to promote some kind of progression that could never happen. The best we found to combat it was the locked keycoded bases.. at least then if you make a mistake and dont lock your base before a restart.. its open to be raided.. or people can sit outside your base and wait for you to open up. No different to camping the NWAF for kills really.. except you almost know where the action is if you know whos base is where and whos online ;)

Well that ended up being longer than I intended. C'est la vie.
toe was just triyn t get on your server cant connect which patch you running ?

its just kicking me back t main menu :confused: can get on every other server fine.
How do you craft campfires in epoch. I had wood & matches but it did not have the option like normal dayz? This was on the mgt server.
Is there many people playing Breaking Point?

If anyone is looking to group up I've been playing for the past few days with a 4/5 friends so have a nice group going,

Have a base set up with plenty of supplies and a few vehicles if anyone wants to join in.
Its as per normal dayz.. glick matches to build fireplace and then scroll wheel on fireplace to light it

I was clicking on the pile of wood not the matches..... DOH!

Had a good time last night with Epoch, but only scratched the surface so far of the new stuff.

Things we found:

- military camps have been removed from cities
- we had no idea what the wholesale vendor was selling
- we are idiots that could not remeber how to start a camp fire
- there were random base things that were empty, which we had no clue about
- business suits are amazing for coming out with cheesy one liners over voice "it's time for business" "time to shut up shop" etc
was great fun on the cpc server last night me and few friends having a laugh in elektro. seemed to be a lot of reboots though.

Yeah sorry about that, theres a time acceleration script on and it seems when more than 25 people were on (as we were full) it seemed to bug out and only double the time where as it should have been skipping forward 7 minutes every ingame minute. I've fixed it now though so it won't need that in future.

I always test things out on a server I host on my PC so no-one is affected but the only thing I cant test is the server under load.

Restarts are every 3 hours during the day with 30, 15, 10, 5 and 1 minute warnings and 4 hours overnight. Trialing the 4 hours over night so there is a little bit more darkness for night time raids :)
Just been toying around with our server, got self blood transfusions working on the mouse scroll and a nice new load screen. We are going to keep the server fairly standard and not going OTT on vehicles and crash sites etc.

We really would welcome anyone wanting to playing vanilla DayZ.

What are people's thoughts on day / night. We currently have it set to always day, but I was thinking of adding in the full moon / street light scripts for night.

p.s. Persil can we still get the add to the main post please.
Well seeing as there's no SA thread now, I guess i'll have to post this in here.
Leaked footage of SA gameplay, obviously recorded by MJ Fox, not sure why they didn't use Fraps or another proprietary recording program, but hey, here it is folks

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