** NEW SAMSUNG 750D & 950D True 120Hz LED Monitors - PRE-ORDER! **

Selecting warm 2 then changing the colours is just the same as going for custom in the first place it seems. It has some really weird settings for warm 2, R50,G30ish,B1

Your settings look pretty much the same as what I have it on although the numbers are different...

Contrast 81
Brightness 18
sharpness 60

Response fastest
HDMI black level low

R 45
G 32
B 53

Color Tone Custom, this doesnt mean much
Gamma Mode 3
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Ah right. The 'Warm 2' preset just adjusts the red and blue balance and shows you what it's doing. That's the same with most Samsung monitors but different with their hybrids (very strange, I know). So when you set HDMI black level to 'low' do you notice any problems on the Lagom black level test linked to relative to 'normal'? If you notice no problems on Lagom (I would also check the contrast gradients just in case) and during normal use and the image looks better then you should just stick with HDMI 'low'. It doesn't always crush blacks - it is highly GPU and monitor dependent. It acts very differently over DVI to HDMI as well and was only really intended for connecting non-PC devices via HDMI. I assume you are using DVI-DVI and are able to get the full 120Hz, too?

It is also worth leaving HDMI black level on 'normal' and searching for some Forceware settings related to 'RGB' or 'YCbCr444' colours and switching this colour mode - seeing what that does.
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Hi, yep I'm using DVI to DVI. The dual link cable that came with the monitor. It is 120hz

When I set HDMI black to normal I can see every box to 1. On low I can see from 255 to 20...

I clicked the contrast and I can again only see the first bar with HDMI black level Normal. On HDMI low I can see down to bar 3.

Sure I can see more with Normal but everything looks washed out where as with low it doesnt. I'm confused now!


I downloaded a driver from the samsung site and now the colour management is using a Samsung - Nautral Color Pro 1.0 ICM
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It sounds as if your GPU is outputting the wrong colour format to the monitor. This can be a hangover from your previous monitor driver and can sometimes be rectified by installing Samsung's ICC profiles or adjusting other settings in the GPU driver. Have you found any settings on Forceware related to 'RGB' changing this to 'YCbCr444' (or another YCbCr format)? I'm sorry I can't be more specific - I don't currently have any systems with Nvidia GPUs. Usually you get this kind of trouble on Nvidia GPUs over HDMI but not DVI - but sometimes changing colour format can work nicely.

If not then I would stick to HDMI 'low'. Don't worry too much about relatively minor differences in Lagom - if things look better and you don't notice any problems through actual usage then this is the best setting to use! You should certainly be able to see more than the bottom row on the Lagom black level test though. Note that on a TN panel this is highly dependent on viewing angle - make sure you have set it to full screen and the blocks are centred.

Edit: Just saw your edit. Does activating the Samsung ICC profile make a difference? This doesn't carry over to games properly so still try the YCbCr thing with HDMI BL on 'normal'. If this doesn't help then I would recommend 'removing' the monitor driver completely and doing the same with the graphics driver ('clean sweep') then reinstalling the Samsung driver (included with the monitor or downloaded) and then the graphics driver, in that order.
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I cannot see anything to do with YCB at all, I did activate the samsung profile and colours seemed to go a bit duller.

Looking through the nvidia panel I went to video then adjust video colour settings, I then chose use nvidia settings and clicked on the advanced tab. I changed the dynamic range from limited 16-253 to full 0-255 and that fixed the brightness with videos when using normal hdmi blackness.
Games and desktop use look washed out still.
Yeah the colour format settings are another HDMI thing. :rolleyes: I would certainly try removing the ICC profile, using a driver sweeper to fully uninstall the graphics drivers and removing all existing monitor drivers (through device manager) and then reinstalling the Samsung monitor drivers and then latest Forceware drivers.

Let me know how it goes. I hope this isn't another lucky dip type of monitor. :mad:
To be honest I'm happy with it on low, as long as it doesnt stop me from seeing things I'm meant to see I'm not all that bothered. I use my projector to watch films usually anyway. I just want everything else right for gaming.

(really just tired of messing with the monitor :P)
No! You must tweak away for days until your fingers drop off. :D

Well if you really are happy setting it to low for games and it makes the colours nice and vivid and what have you (which is really how they should be on that monitor) without you having any problems on the low-end then keep it set up that way. :)
Difficult to say, actually. You would assume the SA350 and SA550 use the same panels, for example - but they don't! At least the electronics differ to such an extent that they are set up differently. So there is no saying whether the SA750 and SA950 series (and upcoming SA700 to complicate things further) will 'act' the same.

The SA750 also lacks the DVI port and word on the grape vine suggests the Ultra Clear Panel surface may be stronger. I will confirm or refute this in the near future I promise.
I am sure it has been covered at several points in this thread. ;) It is the only way to achieve 120Hz output on the SA750 as it lacks DVI (and HDMI doesn't allow 120Hz @ 1080p or above).
I am sure it has been covered at several points in this thread. ;) It is the only way to achieve 120Hz output on the SA750 as it lacks DVI (and HDMI doesn't allow 120Hz @ 1080p or above).

ahhhh. So I have to go for the 950 :/

Are there any other differences?
So out of curiosity I decided to try the Lagom tests on my Dell monitor at work
2408WFP Rev A01

I get the same results as my samsung on low hdmi black. I can only see the bottom row on black level and only up to bar 2 (slightly better) on the contrast.

So I feel even better now :P
Ok, these monitors look very, very tempting. I didn't want to go as large as 27 inch, but at the price of the 23 inch I think it's worth going for the larger model.

Is there any other 23/24 inch monitor that's as good as these with full HDMI 1.4a spec? Or anything in the pipeline, say in the next month?

Oh yeah, is there any difference between the T and S models? I want the model with the lowest input lag. If I can get the T27A950 cheaper than an S27A950 should I go with it?

I have an am Hd 6950 video card.
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