Use the monitor and if its good, keep it. I had an earlier screen with no popping sound and my new N8 has annoying popping sound! So newer is not always better! Judge on case by case basis.
Yeah agree case by case. I had an N7 first which had a bad flicker and was returned, the N6 is better than the N7 I had. So it's not simply later is better, it's pot luck.
Ok, so far so good. No dead pixels, no coil whine, no clicking noises and no backlight bleed. This is the intial inspection. Shall run some more tests. Running this on a MSi 2070 super.

Opps, maybe spoke to soon - getting some flickering when starting Guild Wars 2. Will do some more testing.

EDIT: upgraded firmware / driver. Appears to be ok now. :)
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After a bit of experimentation I’ve managed to get gsync working with hdr on any game. It comes down to the GeForce control panels colour settings. I found that by switching from “defaults” to nvidias settings (stuck with rgb full) then gsync works fine now. Admittedly I haven’t tried power cycling the pc/monitor yet but fingers crossed that was my issue. Wonder if this is some driver issue or a limitation of the 1080ti bandwidth or something. And popping sounds stopped after a bit as one of the other posters said.
Hi guys, is anyone having trouble selected 10bit Colour @ 120hz? I can choose 10 bit @ 120hz when changing colour formats from RGB to YCbCr 422 / YCbCr 444 - but this also changes the Output Dynamic Range to limited. When RGB is selected, I can only choose 8bit. Running 1.4 Display - Latest FW for the Mon - 1006.2. The latest Nvid drivers 456.71. MSI RTX 2070 Super. Any ideas? I have seen others utilise 10bit. Hmmm! Thanks.

EDIT: OK, had to change the Monitors refresh rate to 240hz, this allowed me to choose RGB 10bit - 240hz in the Nvidia control panel.
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Hi guys, is anyone having trouble selected 10bit Colour @ 120hz? I can choose 10 bit @ 120hz when changing colour formats from RGB to YCbCr 422 / YCbCr 444 - but this also changes the Output Dynamic Range to limited. When RGB is selected, I can only choose 8bit. Running 1.4 Display - Latest FW for the Mon - 1006.2. The latest Nvid drivers 456.71. MSI RTX 2070 Super. Any ideas? I have seen others utilise 10bit. Hmmm! Thanks.

EDIT: OK, had to change the Monitors refresh rate to 240hz, this allowed me to choose RGB 10bit - 240hz in the Nvidia control panel.

That was sad to hear. I never had issues with 10Bit at 240Hz, but as my 3090 doesn't work at anything but 120Hz currently, I'm forced to run at 120Hz. I also believe that 240Hz + HDR + G-Sync is not working currently.

Nvidia are working on a fix in drivers for 3080/3090 according to changelog, but I really hoped to have 120Hz 10Bit with newest firmware.

I will receive my card monday, so I haven't had the pleasure of testing it out yet only with my 2080Ti - I sold that a bit maturely to be honest. So had to pick a card up from an auction as cards are not coming to Sweden until like January... ********.
Anyone struggling with flickering I've found adjusting response rate down helps a lot.

GTX 1080

This is what’s wrong with products in this sector, quality control and delivering a fully functional, “fit for purpose”, product, performing as it’s sold and advertised to do so, is not a given, or something you can expect and count on, it’s a luxury and a bit of blind luck...

Imagine buying a car, the stereo doesn’t work, but the car still drives ok, and gets you from A to B, so the dealer just tells you to forget about the radio, it was just a extra you can live without lol..

We have retailers peddling this overpriced, underperforming garbage to us, and telling us to “reduce performance” and “do not use the product as it’s designed to be used” in order to bypass product faults.

Disgusting, both manufacturer and seller should be ashamed.
I just don't get how every screen i've seen has a dead pixel and also recently a new issue of dust under the screen. And now the newer builds also have popping sounds! Like they opted to use some kind of experimental glue that doesn't even work properly so pops constantly as the screen heats up and cools down. Its really irritating working away on the screen, concentrating, and it popping at you.

I know the argument is "yeah but its one dead pixel out of 7 million" but then if they can get 6,999,999 others to work i want them all to be working thanks very much. Also after owning Dells for 15+ years i have never seen a dead pixel on one of their screens and I've had maybe 20 of them owned personally in my household. Add in screens i've used at various office jobs through the years and hot desking every day and i've probably used over 100 Dell screens. Never seen a dead pixel on a single screen.
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Hi guys - is anyone else getting the fisheye effect in games? I didn't realize it would be this bad, in practically every game. It's very disappointing to pay out lots of money for a monitor to have games look this bad. Suppose I should have investigated it first. Does this effect anyone else in game? Is there anything that can be done about it.

(game is Age of Wonders 3).

Afternoon all,

Ordered mine from Overclockers yesterday and just had the despatch email. I have been reading this board for a while but is given I hopeful there is now more QC what should I be looking for when it arrives to make sure I have not got a refurb?

Hi guys - is anyone else getting the fisheye effect in games? I didn't realize it would be this bad, in practically every game. It's very disappointing to pay out lots of money for a monitor to have games look this bad. Suppose I should have investigated it first. Does this effect anyone else in game? Is there anything that can be done about it.

(game is Age of Wonders 3).


software is still catching up with ultra wide monitors but it will eventually. If there’s not native support for ultra wide ratios in your games and fish eye effects bothers you then run it at a different resolution, until the game developers bother to provide support for ultrawides.
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