Alright, I'm really curious to know whether or not those with a G9 see the same odd behaviour with their monitor that I see with mine. If you have a G9 then please try the following (feel free to try it with a different monitor if you don't have the G9 and report back, but I'm especially interested in those with a G9).
- Load a window (NOT a web browser) that has the standard grey bar that runs along the top and maximise it.
- Load your favourite browser in a smaller window, such that the browser window is not running along the top of the screen.
- Point your broswer to:
- You might notice some colour flickering going on in the browser window, but don't let this distract you from something else that is odd that might be going on with your display - look at the top left of your screen, do you notice that the bar along the top looks like it has some fine horizontal lines going through it? Now for the fun part, whilst looking at the top left corner of your screen, open a new browser tab, do you notice everything going back to normal along the top bar of the screen?
If you try the above and have no idea what I'm talking about then I expect your monitor is fine. To be honest, even if it does have the problem, perhaps the result for the G9 is "normal". Basically, I'm trying to figure out if all G9's do it, or just a select few (i.e. I'm trying to ascertain whether it is a design flaw or a fault).
Whatever your result (good or bad), please report it back here. It might be worth stating that I have tried this in both Linux and Windows (my machine is dual boot) and the behaviour shows the same on both. Anyway, I uploaded a YouTube video - my apologies for the poor quality, but it should at least show you what I'm talking about.
Edit: I just packed up my G9 ready for return to OC tomorrow and plugged in my old monitor. It shows that UFO link perfectly, the colours are the same and the lines don't appear at the top. I'm having serious thoughts about whether or not to try out an LG 38".