Got mine on the 2nd of October and over the last couple of days I've been getting popping sounds. Not too loud but annoying Its happening on a new monitor. Last week I did leave the brightness on 100 and white screen and it got super duper hot, feel the heat from several inches away hot. Maybe that has something to do with it.

Does anyone know what the return dates for samsung are, I'm coming very close to 1 month now and not sure what to do.

Seeing they're also still sometimes sold out, I may not get another one straight away.

For running info; I've mainly been using it on 5120x1440 and sometimes PIP split screen. Playing Doom Eternal on max settings im getting around 180 FPS on a Zephyrus Duo. CSGO been getting a over 240FPS. They all look very good, however I mainly use the screen for reading/research. Also I do not know If I have all the settings configured correctly, bit of a computing noob.

I've yet to see someone (sure there are) say they have not got the cracking sound, I have it right now. If you pinch the sides and/or put pressure on the back panels (without touching the screen obviously) you can replicate this noise - in this instance, it leaves me to believe its a heat issue with the plastic expanding. Conversely, I also get the cracking from around the power switch. I also have a slight buzzing sound coming from the power switch area, and when I have the power lead in and the monitor turned off I hear a "Tick tick tick" sound. I still have 7 days to decide if I want to return this, I'm not sure. The picture is amazing and the cracking sound stops after 40 minutes! Its strange, I use monitor bright to turn down the brightness quickly and the more the brightness is turned down, the more the monitor cracks. If the monitor cracks when its at max res after playing games for hours, then I would return, otherwise I tend to believe this is just a heat/plastic issue thats not worthy of a return. *shrugs*
Still no issues with my g9 after a week of daily use. The only update I did was the nvidia hotfix for my 3080 card
link here: https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5099
Haven`t tried to update the monitor firmware on the theory that `it ain`t broke don`t fix it`
I hope everyone here gets their issues sorted asap.
The mean streets of Night City await....

Do you have any cracking noises yet ? Trying to find units that, after a weeks worth of intense use, have not got cracking.
Do you have any cracking noises yet ? Trying to find units that, after a weeks worth of intense use, have not got cracking.
No cracking (yet). I have the monitor on for most of the day. Don`t want to jinx things but I seem to have
avoided the problems people are discussing. I`ve kept the box and original packing material just in case. Perhaps
threatening to return it has scared the monitor straight? I`m loving the size and the curve.
It`s a real shame that so many peeps are experiencing problems - and a mystery that some - like mine - seem to be fine....so far.....
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My G7 also didn't have any cracking yet and it's basically perfect other than the scanlines. Barely any lightbleed and very good backlight uniformity. I'll probably just keep mine and try to adjust to the scanline issue.
For the scan line annoyance, does sitting slightly further away from focus help at all? Imagine this monitor had a remote control too, though could be overkill and more like a tv etc.

Mumbaa - I wouldn't get a LG but I am biased as a few of my friends have been stung with LG, everything is great for about a month then firmware issues, colour fade, slow response, etc nah, no thanks. Maybe its best to continue waiting for 2.1 hdmi monitors in next March etc... and just get anything good enough for now.

For me, if I get a replacement, I will try it out for a month, if no issues crop up, I will keep it in laziness - In theory, for PS5 use, I think it will be able to run 120hz over its hdmi 2.0 so could use it like that until I can convince the misses as to getting the q950ts ... Price of that should go down a fair chunk around or after Christmas... but then again, I would rather game at a desk than on a living room mammoth screen with other distraction etc. Which is a bit ironic as the G9 is a massive mammoth of a monitor but not too big, plus the curves got to save on eye strain right.

No, sitting further away doesn't help. The scanlines are extremely prevalent WHEN they happen, though they didn't appear in games or movies the 2 weeks I had it so far.
Hi All, I have a G7 on the way to me and will be using with a 30series. I know there was a driver hotfix. Will I still potentiall need this even though it was built for driver 456.71. and my Nvidia driver has laredy been updated to 457.09?

Many Thanks
New discovery on my 27 inch G7, it doesn't flicker when set to 144hz. Also doesn't have the pixel inversion issue at that framerate. Interesting.

So far i think my G9 does not flicker when set to 120Hz, but at 240Hz on the latest drivers it does flicker in games.

Hoping it's just a software/firmware issue and eventually they will resolve the flicker, as it seems to effect the G7 and the G9.
Got fed up waiting for stock direct, where I can get it a lot cheaper...impatience got the better of me. Took a punt on stock where I know I can get easily return it if needs be. Fingers crossed :)
So is it worth taking a chance on the G9 ?, I haven't read all 124 pages but read enough to see a lot of people are having trouble. Is it worth waiting a couple of months to see if Samsung do anything ?
@bonewood I think a lot depends on what your level of tolerance is for faults. Mine is an N8 build (August) and the only issues I can see so far is some flickering in game menus / loading screens and faint horizontal scan lines at the top of the screen (when for example a web browser is open). In game I don't have any problems, it works fine at the advertised 240Hz.
I should get my call from Samsung tomorrow as to 1) There's no stock so here's your refund, 2) there will be stock in 2 weeks - You will get the replacement then, 3) Your screen will be replaced by the end of the week (if they reserved a monitor for the replacement process - I doubt it, they don't seem that savvy).

I think they will not have stock and will offer refund that I'll have to take and start from scratch. I'm probably just going to get a monitor for work purposes, basic 32 will do, and a tv for the ps5 like the Samsung 55" Q95T (no need for 8k really) ...

Part of me really still wants the G9 after all the time invested in it etc. If I could try it out with the PS5, maybe I would know for sure ... I know the G9 doesn't have hdmi 2.1 (no monitor has at the moment) but hdmi 2.0 at 60hz should be like any over current tv right now... so boils down to PC gaming and I'm not on that 'level' yet ... so probably best to get a separate tv and monitor after all. P.s earlier I said i was considering a 8k q700t ... but no point if stuck to only 60hz for that price...

Bottom line Bonewood - It depends what you want it for... PC gaming perhaps, yeh should be cool enough if you get a non faulty one - Should definitely try and then decide (hold it by the stand when lifting out, put no pressure on the screen) ... Could put up with problems then use warranty to renew? That should be within your rights - might be bit of hassle though.
uh uh uh - Imagine this was touch / or even better, proximity based too - like the Neonode AirBar tech that never really took off that well... that would be a dream huh. If only I could ask Samsung to custom build it like this ...

As to Ultrawide gaming for consoles - Anyone got any opinions on this? I reckon it would have the obvious bars on sides - I don't mind, also could utilise the pip to split by 60/40 so ps5 on big side, would reduce refresh rate but max at 60hz anyway right?
I should get my call from Samsung tomorrow as to 1) There's no stock so here's your refund, 2) there will be stock in 2 weeks - You will get the replacement then, 3) Your screen will be replaced by the end of the week (if they reserved a monitor for the replacement process - I doubt it, they don't seem that savvy).

I think they will not have stock and will offer refund that I'll have to take and start from scratch. I'm probably just going to get a monitor for work purposes, basic 32 will do, and a tv for the ps5 like the Samsung 55" Q95T (no need for 8k really) ...

Part of me really still wants the G9 after all the time invested in it etc. If I could try it out with the PS5, maybe I would know for sure ... I know the G9 doesn't have hdmi 2.1 (no monitor has at the moment) but hdmi 2.0 at 60hz should be like any over current tv right now... so boils down to PC gaming and I'm not on that 'level' yet ... so probably best to get a separate tv and monitor after all. P.s earlier I said i was considering a 8k q700t ... but no point if stuck to only 60hz for that price...

Bottom line Bonewood - It depends what you want it for... PC gaming perhaps, yeh should be cool enough if you get a non faulty one - Should definitely try and then decide (hold it by the stand when lifting out, put no pressure on the screen) ... Could put up with problems then use warranty to renew? That should be within your rights - might be bit of hassle though.

I don't know if I'd reccommend waiting for a replacement from them. They told me ~2 weeks ago that they'd be getting 180 units delivered last week and I'd be getting one of those, but nothing showed up & they refunded me at the end of the week instead.
Since other retailers seem to have stock I can only assume the manufacturer sold them rather than send me a replacement...
Oh God, as if my anxiety about paying more than I needed to wasn't high enough, it's being delivered by Hermes, they'll probably launch it on my doorstep from the main road. Expected better from the rainforest. At least their returns are good, which was my main reason for just going for it...
Thanks Medalgod... 180 units wow... I still have no word from them and website still shows no stock... Suspense. I'm honestly leaning to being happy with the refund and getting a Q95t and a 32" monitor now - If they send a flawless replacement, could keep that too and just get a PS5 TV later, Covid permitting.

Although other retailers like Amazon have stock, I prefer to/ have to stick with Samsung to use a discount and save a few bob ...
Thanks Medalgod... 180 units wow... I still have no word from them and website still shows no stock... Suspense. I'm honestly leaning to being happy with the refund and getting a Q95t and a 32" monitor now - If they send a flawless replacement, could keep that too and just get a PS5 TV later, Covid permitting.

Although other retailers like Amazon have stock, I prefer to/ have to stick with Samsung to use a discount and save a few bob ...
Fingers crossed for you! I'm just watching the page & hoping the additional stock materialises over the next couple of weeks. I agree, it'd be pretty galling to pay full price when the manufacturer offers such a hefty discount.
Oh God, as if my anxiety about paying more than I needed to wasn't high enough, it's being delivered by Hermes, they'll probably launch it on my doorstep from the main road. Expected better from the rainforest. At least their returns are good, which was my main reason for just going for it...
Ouch, best of luck! Surprised the rainforest trusts them with something that valuable...
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