New Star Trek series - 2017

Its definitely getting better, though I still don't know most of the crews name.

Something weird is going on though, pilot lady and now Philippa Georgiou just stareing off in to the distance and what's the thing with the music everyone knows?
Its getting interesting. Detmer is suffering some sort of ptsd I'm sure. Georgiou seems to be having some sort of brain issue. Possibly something to do with the mirror universe or something. In the trailer for next week it looks like she faints or collapses.

Not sure about the music though, its going to have something to do with the burn or figuring it out will become Burnhams main priority in someway.

I noticed there is now more interaction with the rest of the bridge crew and their names are getting mentioned more. Seems to be part of the change in the show seemingly becoming more about the ship and crew and not focused on Burnham as much.
Funny how polarising this is. Personally I have lost almost all my interest in it. So many shows don't seem to be able to exercise any restraint when it comes to storytelling or preaching. There is no subtlety or nuance to it. Its all very much in your face and blunt.

Shows have been dealing with emotional turmoil, loss, opression, gay relationships, environmentalism, politics etc for decades so why is so much of it so crap now.

Doctor Who, Picard, Discovery, Star Wars. They have all addressed these issues with some intelligence and craft in their history but have now resorted to lazy, on dimensional preaching that just smacks you in the face and takes you out of the escapism of sci-fi.

Good sci-fi is still being made, its just a shame that the classics are being butchered.
I gave up on this after episode 4 of the latest season, it’s not Star Trek and never was, but I’ve put up with it. But after 4 episodes of this season I’ve had enough, it feels like it’s being directed by Michael Bay with a cast that has the emotional maturity of a bunch of schoolchildren. That scene where they were sat around a big table eating and then someone had a tantrum and everyone cleared off within 2 minutes, was absolutely ridiculous.

Oh, and the addition of the child to the crew, I didn’t like Wesley crusher and I sure as hell don’t like this kid either.
I gave up on this after episode 4 of the latest season, it’s not Star Trek and never was, but I’ve put up with it. But after 4 episodes of this season I’ve had enough, it feels like it’s being directed by Michael Bay with a cast that has the emotional maturity of a bunch of schoolchildren. That scene where they were sat around a big table eating and then someone had a tantrum and everyone cleared off within 2 minutes, was absolutely ridiculous.

Oh, and the addition of the child to the crew, I didn’t like Wesley crusher and I sure as hell don’t like this kid either.

This entirely sums up STD

That guy is a twit. Him and nerdrotic are just a waste of space. Slating almost everything if it so much tries to bring in modern up to date relevant subjects.
That guy is a twit. Him and nerdrotic are just a waste of space. Slating almost everything if it so much tries to bring in modern up to date relevant subjects.

Agree he's divisive and some of his videos are clear bait but he brings up a lot of relevant points about modern popular TV/movies. He's absolutely bang on the money about ST: Discovery though.
They're even worse in time critical moments when the ship/universe is about to implode.

OMG, thats a pet peeve of mine and I dont mean just in Discovery, I mean in tv and movies generally. You're told that "we've got to get out of here now !" or "we have to reach them fast !" or some other urgent situation and then the characters stop and talk about the nature of bravery or how much they care about person X or item X or how tough its been lately but they've gotten through with the help of Y...which all takes several minutes, despite literally just mentioning the vitally urgent situation that MUST be immediately addressed just moments before. I've seen so many movies and tv shows do that, I suppose really its my own fault though because sometimes I expect more realistic behaviour in characters from whats supposed to just be a mindless popcorn form of entertainment. I should probably learn to lower my expectations
The man can turn a phrase ill give you that but that doesn't mean he less of a twit

I guess the point I was making is, its not like he is some know nothing from Scotland, he is someone who obviously has some talent when it comes to creating and maintaining plotlines, character development, realistic portrayal of command chains and characters under intense situations, character and story plotline construction and creation of story arc which bridge over a series etc, otherwise he wouldnt have all those successful novels. If he had been a tennis player, critiquing character/story/plotline creation and development, I'd simply dismiss their words because they operate in an entirely different spectrum but when they are someone who knows the topic at hand then I listen to what they have to say rather than just dismiss it, regardless of whether I agree or disagree with it. I do that with all things, I listen more to a footballer critiquing football than I do a butcher , I listen more to an electrician commenting on electrics than I do a secretary and I listen more to a political analyst on politics than I do a shop assistant in Asda. I may go on to disagree with what they say but I still listen and give those thoughts more weight , because they understand the subject matter and have knowledge of it, than just put my hands over my ears and go nah nah nah :D
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