Boring episode and yet again Burnham is the only one who can save *insert here*. On this occasion bringing the Ni'Var and the Federation together. No whispering speeches/condescending this week which was a big +. I don't always want space battles, some of the best episodes of TNG were Picard being authoritative and bringing diplomatic solutions etc, but this episode was just pants.
Glad Tilly has gone for awhile - i lol'd when she said she will 'run' and distract the ice monster - 3 seconds later and she's on her ass! Honestly i'm not being fattest, it's just she looks so out of place compared to the rest of the whole galaxy!
Looks like Saru is going to be getting his leg over soon too
Glad Tilly has gone for awhile - i lol'd when she said she will 'run' and distract the ice monster - 3 seconds later and she's on her ass! Honestly i'm not being fattest, it's just she looks so out of place compared to the rest of the whole galaxy!
Looks like Saru is going to be getting his leg over soon too