I can definitely guarantee there will be a gay crewmember. And perhaps a transgender one. Sign of the times.
Set phasers to FABULOUS!
That's how Roddenberry wanted trek to be originally, actually.
I can definitely guarantee there will be a gay crewmember. And perhaps a transgender one. Sign of the times.
Set phasers to FABULOUS!
That's how Roddenberry wanted trek to be originally, actually.
Hopefully set in the 25th century and agree would rather have 6 episodes then 26 per season where 60-70% were just gap fillers or about data's cat.
Loved DS9s dark take on everything it really pushed the klingons and introduced the shady side of humans even with genetic enhancement and section 31 and not to forget about the dominon war.
Pish!! DS9 was brilliant. 2nd only to TNG.
In Trek, people of all races and types were treated equally, and it wasn't a sore thumb that just stuck out as obvious tokenism. A character was black, or gay, or whatever, and that wasn't flaunted to show how cool the show was, it was just what they were written as. To do anything else makes the character a one dimensional cliche who is always "the gay one" or "the black one" before the actual character's main role.
I can't seem to finish DS9. Twice now I've watched in marathon sessions from the beginning and got as far as when Worf joins but then I seem to lose interest and go on to something else. Must try harder!![]()
I hate change and Ppl like trek for the way it already is. So its my hope they get back some of TNG and ds9 writers and some of the crew. Come up with a ship and crew and general situational story and era using TNG standards or further, Not like enterprise. And yes to 26 episodes per season more the better if setting and crew are nice. I hate short seasons like we have in UK. Its just over too soon then nowt to watch for rest of the year sometimes.
Nothing will beat TOS.
I'm guessing you grew up with those? I feel TOS is awful compared to the quality that is TNG and DS9.