I already own GTA IV as a standalone game, if I buy the steam version of GTA IV can I tie that to the same gfwl account as I have the standalone game?

I'm sure you can, you just log in to your GFWL when you load it up mate so sure it will be fine.
I bought Dark Athena last night.

A few problems;
In Butcher Bay, the screen looks a bit squashed. Resolution is set to 2048x1152 which is the correct resolution.

Second is, when i try to go on to the multiplayer and make and account it says "Invalid or Banned CD-Key". Anyone else getting this?

Steam servers will be getting hammered. Was getting 1.2mb/s overnight and early this morning, then it just slowly got worse and worse until it come to a halt.

Yeah I figured, but the other 5 games I brought downloaded no problem, make me a bit suspicious. I'll leave it a day or so then E-Mail them if i can't get it to work.
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