New Warcraft Guild for OcUK

I have just managed to get us a Mumble server for the guild, If anyone wants to join your more than welcome and hopefully could put the server details on the OP.

Name: OCUK Mumble Server
Port: 5627
Number of slots: 25
Location: Europe

Should be all the information you need to join.

If you need the client you can get it here:

Shall pop on tonight when I get back from work if anyone is still around, should be half 10ish. What sort of cost was the mumble server? Be happy to throw a quid or two your way towards it :)
Nah its cool was only $10 a month so thats only a few quid a month, just see if we use it for a couple of months first not to hard to cancel if not lol and I should be on if I haven't raged from this PVP :P
We'll I should hit 90 on my shaman by the weekend. Been levelling as elly but have resto as second spec. Will be more than willing to help out where I can once I figure out what to do first when I hit 90. Been enjoying BGs far too much (apart from AV- bring back Korrack!) so wouldn't mind some PvP action either.
Not been very active as of late due to work but looks like things are progressing nicely :)
We already have a TS3 server that nobody has ever used, bit like the forums too ;)
Yeah I noticed that too Ebulus, not sure why. Maybe people feel as though its not warcraft enough or something. Anyway. I am in the process of making a website on Enjin just for organising Raids and general banter. Nothing too heavy or complex and I don't want to come across as though I do not appreciate your efforts by the way. You have helped out but unfortunately not many are taking advantage of the offer you gave us.

Anyway.. I have cleared out the Guild bank and organised it somewhat. Also there is a few spots for managerial work within the guild. Judging by the numbers logging in and also the more activity on these forums I think we could get a couple of 10 mans going or one bigger group. So, I think we could do with a couple of Officers and a couple of Raid leaders too. If one isn't online the other could be and it would help getting raids together.

So who wants in.
Oh lord managerial positions....Is this where toys start getting thrown out of the pram lol

I'm up for it ;) as a Officer that is, Won't have time to raid lead and organise that shiz :P

Mr Woogie. Thank you for coming along to your interview. Now, what can you bring to this company and why do you want to work for us?:p

Mr Parmesan. Thank you for coming along to your interview. Now, what can you bring to this company and why do you want to work for us?:p
Well I'm a level 90 protection warrior, been around since the days of vanilla and beta. I'm happy to throw myself at any challenge, and take charge when needed.

Ran my own guild for a few months around the tbc expansion time, had 60-70 members, mostly just a social and leveling guild.

My hobbies include cooking, football and falling over...

Should also include I'm starting a lock and will hopefully be around the 80-85 mark in a week or so :)
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Basically what he said above.... Except for the fact I dislike football.... dunno why I just couldn't get into it. I have also played nearly every character going at some point or other.

Played Rogue in Vanilla and got that to 60 but did not raid. I did every raid at some point in BC as a Warrior and a Paladin (tank and tank) then in WOTLK Was Tank and Healer on my pally and also created a Druid at this point that was tank/Healer and cleared all raids again.

In Cata I made a DK and got that to 80 and was a Tank (I like to tank, What can I say) but never had time to raid here so did not do any :( which I regret. Also made a mage and got that to 90 so did lots of pew pewing at things

Im now a 90 Prot Warrior (Not that there is a common theme in my class choices or anything) and am also leveling a resto Shammy and a Lock. I have a 90 Monk on another server that is fairly well geared in LFR gear from before Siege.
Woogie you said you wont have time to raid lead and organise, does that mean you wont be raiding or wont have time for leading raids?

Edit: OT when I boot up WoW my hard drive is going mental and takes a few seconds more to load to the game. I have just checke dthe drive and it seems pretty much all my WoW folder is fragged loads. just defraging now and all being well it will improve somewhat.
If you are running raids and want an extra dps then drop me a message ingame via BattleTag. My details are in the BattleTag ID thread and in here somewhere. Always happy to dps. Currently a 532/527 dps/prot warrior but I think you have enough tanks for reading this thread lol.

I took ownership of my guild last night following discussions amongst our management team. Our existing GM was too interested in his own alts than running the guild so he was made to step down. We are now starting a bit of recruitment and restructure to build the guild up and see where it takes us.

Droolinggimp I had the same thing with my WoW folder. Moved it to my main SSD and it is much better. Seems that the disk is accessed a lot during play and it frags it really easily.
I did say not to bother getting a server as I have a ts server we can use.

Yea I did see what you said but as I said lol I wanted my own server for use with a mate as skype does suck to be fair not a fan of it.

So think of it as a dual purpose Mumble server :P

Well its there now and ready to use and it does seem quite good never used mumble have always use TS3 or Vent.

As said anyone is more than welcome to join and use it for raiding etc if we ever get to that point.
If you are running raids and want an extra dps then drop me a message ingame via BattleTag. My details are in the BattleTag ID thread and in here somewhere. Always happy to dps. Currently a 532/527 dps/prot warrior but I think you have enough tanks for reading this thread lol.

I took ownership of my guild last night following discussions amongst our management team. Our existing GM was too interested in his own alts than running the guild so he was made to step down. We are now starting a bit of recruitment and restructure to build the guild up and see where it takes us.

Droolinggimp I had the same thing with my WoW folder. Moved it to my main SSD and it is much better. Seems that the disk is accessed a lot during play and it frags it really easily.

unfortunately I don not have an SSD. I have two normal drives and WoW is on the one that Windows isn't on. Just defragging now. Taking ages, stuck on 8% as normal..:rolleyes: 3 hours left to go.
Hopefully the defrag sorts it. Keep an eye on it though as it will probably head back that way fairly quickly...

I have to admit I just bought another SSD to install for games on top of my main boot drive. Waiting for new PC build next month before I install it though. Loading times do come right down.
Yep have to agree with the above, I got a SSD just for games and makes a hell of a difference to loading times, Always seems to load up first in BG's/Raids not that its really of any use lol but still
I can help out with recruitment and stuff I have a pretty good sense of people and can generally read if they are decent folks or "specials".

As for raiding my work means I have a really varied schedule and would only ever be a weekend warrior, so I wouldn't be able to lead/organisie but should be able to participate.
OK Azraeluk, if you want to you can start a thread or two on the wow forums or MMOchampion. (I think thats what its called) You can be recruitment officer :-)

Just make sure that you mention some of us including me have not done endgame stuff apart from LFR so in that respect myslef and maybe a few others are newbies to this raiding lark. So patience is really needed in our guild haha
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