New Warcraft Guild for OcUK

20 Oct 2002
Space, the final frontier
Well having stumbled across this thread, it's really tempting to try wow again, I haven't played since 2008 as i could not really get any momentum playing, compared to the early days of DAOC

I am not sure if its worth getting my characters unfrozen and moved, what do you guys think?

I have the following, all on Draenor

level 35 Human Mage
level 17 Human Warrior
level 23 Dwarf Priest
level 10 Draenei Mage
level 12 Night Elf Druid
level 13 Draenei Paladin

Now my previous play styles has been healer, in DAOC i was a heal/buff cleric

Can anyone recommend a race/profession/build for Horde?

6 Aug 2013
Priest/pala/druid/shaman are all viable healers, but it depends what kind of playstyle you like!

Shaman healing was fun when I tried it for a bit, and I liked the fact that I could still provide some raid healing while in elemental dps spec too, even though it was on quite a lengthy cooldown. Useful for when burst damage is required.

Icy Veins has a fairly in depth tutorial for all classes and specs, and will tell you which professions are most viable for your role, so check that out!

I don't think racial abilities provide enough difference to pick one race over another, so any will do - just don't pick Blood Elf or you'll look really camp. Worth mentioning that tauren stick out like a sore thumb in pvp, but I'm more of a PvE player so it never bothered me.

If you're just looking to get to 90 and raid quickly, you're probably eligible for a scroll of resurrection (free boost to 85 and a couple of other bonus goodies), so it might be worth asking if anyone here has one going spare?

Hope to see you in game!
18 Nov 2011
I hate the troll models, Used to love them and the only Troll id ever consider playing now is a Druid as I like the forms :D Same with Worgen tbh though.

I am really interested to see what they do with the Troll models. Not seen any pictures yet but then I haven't looked too hard.
16 May 2004
Ok guys I am just doing some research on the first 3 bosses in SoO and writing up a tactic break down for the 10m Normal version. Here is my first draft of the first boss. PLEASE tell me what you thunk and if it readable and understandable.

Make up: 2 tanks, 2-3 healers and mix of ranged and melee DPS

Tactic Breakdown.

2 Phases:

Phase ONE

Sha bolt. - Makes pools of water beneath players feet. Move out of the way at all times. High damage.
Seeping Sha. - Black/blue pools. After a few seconds they will spurt and cause high damage and push you in the air. Fustrating. Stay out of the way.
Swirl. - Boss will face one direction and after a short cast and sweep a corner of the room with frontal tidal wave. Minimal damage highly annoying.
Spread across the room with MT tanking at far side from entrance.
Corrosive Blast (Tank beware). - Frontal cone Shadow damage. Make sure NO ONE is in front of boss apart from MT. Once MT ahs stack, OT Taunt off him and repeat.

Phase TWO

Blobs. Two types. Sha puddle (Black) and contaminated puddle . Nuke as many of the Sha as you can before they get to the boss. Contaminated puddles need healing and if they get to max health before reaching the boss, all good. The more you kill/heal the less Corruption the boss has and his health goes down more at the start of the repeated Phase ONE. The Blobs/puddles will land at random places in the room. Try to get to the area where the majority of the blobs land to kill/heal them if you are in and area where there is one or two blobs, apply dots, (damage or Healing) and move to most congregated area and nuke.

Rinse and repeat.

Is this any good for you guys? I watched the fatboss guides on YT and typed this up as they talked.
16 May 2004
That was fun.. We all managed to get to last boss in SoO and without mush of a hickup.. Oh wait.. we had a stupid healer who dies 4 times after 10 seconds of first boss.. haha.. fun times ahead. :)

All in all a GREAT night , we learned that inviting people who 'Think' they know what they are doing is bad m'kay.. Still FLR as a guild group is good. gets people used to tactics and the layouts.. Go for it over this coming week. get geared and lets get the SoO underway.
18 Nov 2011
Was fun :)

LFR was good fun as well and they are always a good way to get used to tactics but you do run the risk of becoming complacent due to being so easily carried by others :(

We should make guild LFR a weekly thing, As well as going back and doing older content just to gel more as a group.
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