New Warcraft Guild for OcUK

I think we are going to take things a bit slower and do guild LFR's to get gear and experience on the raid while doing slightly older content for fun. Once we have some experience of the raids and some gear will try Flex/Normal again.
Hi guys.. Big update on our website. Go there and take a look. If you have not signed up for the website please make sure you do as you WILL NOT be able to raid until some pre-requisites are met. Its not meant to be harsh but we need to make sure we are all familiar with the encounters and make things run smoother. For the time being we should all do as many guild LFRs are possible and some older raids like Woogie has mentioned.

As long as everyone has signed up to the website and at least got the first wing (LFR) under their belt with tactics understood then that is progress.

I will be upgrading the website today and also adding a donation widget for those wanting to keep it going. Its not much for a months sub so I will do it first. Ill keep doing it if needs be.

So in the mean time have fun and group as much as possible and get those SoO LFRs in and some older content. Make sure Mumble is used and that way we can decide who to mute :-p
Hi Guys, I'm currently looking to find a new home in Warcraft, at the moment I have 8 level 90's(Alliance) on Darksorrow but our guild is now kind of dying down, very little activity now, was thinking about creating a Horde character or two and I like the look of the OC guild, I have done SOO up to and including Seigecrafter on normal and all on flex etc weekly. With real life now I don't have the time for raiding all the time so would be nice to get a nice social guild but still with raiding too. How many people do you have on normally, do you have any particular nights in mind for possible raiding? Would probably just level characters up as not levelled in ages :)
Im thinking of coming back guys ive used a SoR and made a priest ages ago, so will probably have to learn the whole thing. Also have a 82 WL.

Question, wanting to buy for the nephew for his birthday. He has the typical ~level 20 starter pack. What do i need to buy him to get him up to day? I am guessing its not as simple as just buying him MoP and 'bunny hopping' the rest?
Buy the main pack direct from the website and the MoP expansion. He can get to lvl 85 without MoP though so no need to rush it. The main thing will be his sub. Up to lvl 20 is free on the starter pack but once you buy the game you need to pay after your first month as always.

Basically up to Cata is included in the main game purchase. The only purchasable expansion now is MoP.

Finally got around to signing up to the website too.
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Thanks Shadow. Its only £9.99. Thought i was looking at a much bigger bill. I will probably buy MoP for myself then, and wait till he gets to 85.

Guess i can have a new slave every month when it comes to sub time ;) Will get back used to it then get the server transfer to you all.

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Tbh probably easier to start again rather than transfer for the cost unless you have 90's and gear you want to move. OcUK is a 25 guild so getting at least 10% bonus xp with all perks and with the xp requirement nerfs it doesn't take long.

Someone just live streamed level 1-90 in 47 hours without sleep. He had a server downtime to contend with and used heirloom gear for stats but it does not take that long really to do. If you want the easiest route I would recommend Zygor's levelling addon.
It has taken me around 2 weeks to get my warlock from 1 to 74 but that didn't stop me transferring my druid who is 82 over to the server. There's more to a server change than just a character remember.
Tbh probably easier to start again rather than transfer for the cost unless you have 90's and gear you want to move. OcUK is a 25 guild so getting at least 10% bonus xp with all perks and with the xp requirement nerfs it doesn't take long.

Oh really? I haven't played since 2012. The priest which is the highest was a SOR so it had nothing on it really. So the consensus is to start fresh and buy another copy?
No need to buy another copy but just roll a new character. Some transfer to keep their history, achievements and old gear for transmog but if you aren't bothered by that then save the money it costs to transfer and just roll a new character.
I started a fresh as horde in early December and I currently have a 90 Death Knight a 67 Monk and a 89 Priest as well as a slew of alts in their teens and 30's.

With looms its flies by especially if you level as a tank or healer spec (Dual spec at 30) you can go in an instance like the Deadmines and gain 3 levels that pattern doesnt really change until late 40's early 50's and it starts over again once you hit TBC.

I only really quested in Hellfire in TBC and gained the rest of the XP using LFG, WOTLK was pretty much Howling Fjord and some Storm Peaks and Cata was just just slows down when you hit Pandaria :).

Most of your achievements are cross faction/server/class as are mounts and titles (some are level locked). I considered moving my Elemental sham over from Doomhammer but for the sake of a couple of weeks I'll save myself about £30 notes (Faction change and Server Swap).

Its so easy and a joy to level now especially since Cata revamped the old world, my only word of advice is that if you start a Blood Elf move them to Undercity at Level 10 as Ghostlands is still not that well optimised for leveling and can take a while compared to the new "starter" zones.
Thanks for the advice. I can get WoW if i buy fresh from battlenet for 2.50 plus 30days free. Seems to be a good deal. Might aswel start fresh. Im feeling going for healer spec so hopefully it will be a nice leveling as you say Az. Now to decide weather to pick shammy or priest :D Edging towards Shammy atm though.
I joined a new facebook group last week. Basically it was to advertise guilds and recruitment. I have got an application form submitted on our website from some one who saw my post on this FB group. He seems pretty advanced and really good but has 4 alliance. He mentioned if things are good with us, as in we all gell and have fun he may move his toons over. I did mention on his app form we are horde and suggested he roll a new toon and join us to see if he likes us or not.

He could be a fantastic member after reading his application.
Cindylauper is a fantastic raider ( I know he is very quiet) but if we can keep hold of him we've got a good un. (His Bovril's RL Brother).

He was the highest rated shammy on Doomhammer for quite some time and has a wealth of experience and knowledge to share.
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