Poll: Newby ghost photo - ever proved a fake?

Do you think the Newby Ghost photo is real or fake?

  • Real

  • Fake

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But that's not the same. No civilization claims that unicorns are real. Whereas every civilization in the world admits that spirits are real. It's only in the last few decades that - in the West - we say they aren't. But there are many things that can't be explained, or, more accurately, can only be explained as spirit visitations. This is one of them.

Every civilisation in the world believed in dumb **** especially when it comes to comforting or scaring the living with ideas of the universe specially storing the conciousness of some talking apes in eccentric ways for reward, punishment, revenge etc...

Humans are special because humans say so, now behave or the bad thing will happen instead of the good thing when you die.
You can't say that with any certainty.

100% certainty, it just doesn't make sense that dead people are roaming around in some fantasy zone.
Have I had 'ghost' sightings? - yes but I acknowledge it's my imagination, many a time I thought someone was behind me but nothing there.
The mind is a very powerful organ.
Fascinating stuff, thanks Matt. There are plenty of people saying this photo is fake or has been debunked but I don't think there is an reliable source which confirms this.
Once again for the lols: Burden of proof is upon the claim that it isn't fake.
The same reason people see faces in their coffee crema, or in the clouds etc is partially why this Photo is probably about as genuine a picture of a ghost as a handshake from Delboy..

The mind can often see what it wants to see.. A lot of our 'vision' is interpolated/extrapolated from the raw inputs, it's amazing how many ways you can fool your brain, not that this is necessarily an optical illusion, but just to show that the last thing it would probably be is a Ghost.

And to close, it should be no surprise that Aliens and Ghosts share quite similar veins of 'evidence' with sketchy photos/videos yet people are convinced they are real..
Thing about aliens is that some instances have hard data from radar and other onboard equipment from military and navy that cannot be explained. At least they can measure those sightings even if they cannot define what they were/are. Ghosts however have never been captured on anything measurable!
Thing about aliens is that some instances have hard data from radar and other onboard equipment from military and navy that cannot be explained. At least they can measure those sightings even if they cannot define what they were/are. Ghosts however have never been captured on anything measurable!

I've watched paranormal investigations measure temperature and recorded a sudden drop they attribute to some ghostly apparition.. and video's of ghostlike cars or other things.. all 'hard data'

On the Aliens front it seems similar, video footage at best, or recounts of radar behaviour/data, but honestly since most of the recent Pentagon released videos' from military equipment have been so hilariously debunked that it all feels way too familiar.. I will admit that Aliens takes it up a notch.. to release video evidence of a UAP and have people saying it's proof of physics defying craft, only for someone with a bit of intelligence to use the on-screen data to figure out from basic trig that the object is bird sized, flying at a speed birds fly, at a height birds fly and the sudden physics defying acceleration is actually the tracking system stopping momentarily is really reminiscent of some of the ghost videos' that have been debunked..

I don't see any difference in terms of credibility of evidence, other than when it's from a pilot, I don't assume they aren't fallible like all human beings.
The same reason people see faces in their coffee crema, or in the clouds etc is partially why this Photo is probably about as genuine a picture of a ghost as a handshake from Delboy..

The mind can often see what it wants to see.. A lot of our 'vision' is interpolated/extrapolated from the raw inputs, it's amazing how many ways you can fool your brain, not that this is necessarily an optical illusion, but just to show that the last thing it would probably be is a Ghost.

And to close, it should be no surprise that Aliens and Ghosts share quite similar veins of 'evidence' with sketchy photos/videos yet people are convinced they are real..

Has this thread/argument been going for 13 years? Blimey!

Looks obvious double exposure to me (years ago a mate of mine had a film camera with a double exposure mode and we created some shots a bit like that).

Regarding human vision, it is a common misconception that our eyes have a wide field of view and constantly see everything all the time. What actually happens is your brain creates an image which it updates as your eyes scan about picking up fresh information, so you can completely miss "seeing" something if you are focused on something else and you can be fooled by your brain assuming it recognises something familiar (a great way to save energy and processing time) when it wasn't actually (say) a human face at all.
"can't be explained" != "is aliens"

It's gods, obviously. Everyone knew that for millenia.

In the context of archeaology and anthropology, anything that can't be explained is ritual/ceremonial.

Most humans have a very strong aversion to acknowledging lack of knowledge. So they make something up. Whatever is fashionable at the time. Aliens, ghosts, faeries, gods, rituals, whatever. Anything other than admitting ignorance.
Ghosts ain’t real it’s peoples imaginations. Same with aliens.

Yeah but no but.

The difference with aliens is that although there is no generally accepted evidence that little grey men have ever visited our planet for a bit of anal probing, it's entirely possible that alien life exists somewhere and indeed statistically it seems very likely. Whereas ghosts require believing in something that is literally supernatural and so is fundamentally against our scientific understanding of reality.
Yeah but no but.

The difference with aliens is that although there is no generally accepted evidence that little grey men have ever visited our planet for a bit of anal probing, it's entirely possible that alien life exists somewhere and indeed statistically it seems very likely. Whereas ghosts require believing in something that is literally supernatural and so is fundamentally against our scientific understanding of reality.

Also papers don't want to report on them, papers want to report on other things which get them more popularity. Ghost visitations are underreported. So what happened, did all ghosts go away? No, papers just don't want to report on ghosts anymore.
I'm a proponent of the rare Earth theory. I mean, there could be life out there but I suspect it is so rare that it may only happen once in a galaxy if you are lucky. I suspect we will never see little green or grey men unless they come from Earth.
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