Newcastle Utd, Official thread

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I think every newcastle fan knew Souness was the wrong appointment, regardless we gave him a chance and he blew it, even all the fans i've talked to said Roeder should never have got the job, its obvious fans wanted a top european coach or Martin O'Neil - whom I think we could have had if we wanted him.

Shepard took the easy option, made Roeder boss when he turned round a terrible season and got us into the uefa cup, Roeder should have turned the job down, when he was being linked with the job when caretaker manager he said he wasn't a big enough manager for the job, he was right and he should stepdown now forceing Shepard to get a decent manager or bugger off and let someone else take over who can see a proper manager.
it aint GR thats at fault its fat fred!

we need a chairman that doesn't just have pound signs in his eyes! we want some1 who is a proper fan of newcastle like hall was.
I was offered a ticket for free for the Watford game tommorow, I've refused after the dire display on Saturday.

I came out of Anfield a month and a half ago, knowing Roeder is NOT the man to take us forward. We were clueless against Liverpool, and Man Utd. We got to 7th place last season on a feel good factor, and some lucky wins.

All these people saying we can't keep changing managers, when will you understand its about getting the RIGHT MANAGER in the first place! I do not want Curbishley, he's nothing more than a mid table manager, we need a European experienced manager, Houllier, Hitzfeld, Hiddink, Daum (linked recently, he is a good manager).

Shay Given returning won't help us score goals.

The current squad we have is GOOD ENOUGH for top 6, its as simple as that, even with the missing players we have at the moment, they just are not being managed correctly, and the tactics being used are FAR too easy for the opposition to control.

I like Roeder as a person, but the job is too big for him, I don't want him to be sacked, i'd rather he stepped down, or is moved back to the Academy, where he was doing a good job.

Our whole coaching bench is a joke...Terry Mac, Pearson the relegation experienced coach, Roeder, the relegation experienced manager.

Last season we had Souness, Terry Mac, Saunders, Murray, that was bad, but this season its worse! So it MUST be awful.

It is depressing.

It's not FS fault the players are not performing, thats down to the manager and coaches.

It's FS fault that the WRONG managers have been appointed (apart from SBR).
Newcastle chairman Freddy Shepherd says he is "right behind" under-fire manager Glenn Roeder and is backing him to lead the club to Premiership safety.

Shepherd met Roeder and the players on Monday to discuss the club's slump to second bottom of the Premiership.

Shepherd told BBC Five Live: "I've got full confidence in the players and the manager. We'll get out of this blip.

"I'm no different from any other Newcastle supporter and it's also upset the players and the manager."

The Magpies have not won in seven league matches and were beaten at home by Sheffield United at the weekend.

That result sparked protests after the game with thousands of fans booing the team and chanting "sack the board".


Shepherd has missed the club's last four matches as he spent time out of the country for family reasons.

But he vowed to redouble his efforts to steer the club in the right direction, despite mounting speculation the Jersey-based Belgravia Group is ready to launch a takeover bid.

"Right now, it would seem I am the only one prepared to do this job and it's one I will continue to do to the very best of my ability and with the best interest of the club at heart," Shepherd said.

"These things happen in football and the fans are entitled to do that.

"I'm one of them and I'll never criticise the Geordie supporters. I know they'll get behind us."

Shepherd added that the club's injury situation was largely to blame for the poor start to the season.

He said: "We've had nine injuries, including Michael Owen, who was brought in to replace Shearer, and Kieron Dyer with long-term injuries. It's not an excuse, it's a fact.


"But I'm not going to drop my head. I'm going to get in there and fight."

Earlier, Roeder said that he had no intention of standing down, despite taking only two points from their last seven matches.

"We all know the horrible feeling when you're on a poor run and we also know, our experience tells us, it will change, it will turn," said Roeder, who replaced Graeme Souness in February.

"We do have enough quality, even if the squad is small, and hopefully we'll get some better luck with injuries and turn this season around quickly.

"Glenn Roeder has stood up all his life and he will always stay standing up whatever happens to him."

Newcastle have not won a league match since the 2-0 triumph over Roeder's former club West Ham on 17 September. Next up are Watford in the Carling Cup, before a weekend trip to Manchester City.
Article said:
Over-paid, lazy, disinterested so-called professionals aren't going to get away with the sub-standard performances of late that easily.

There's a degree of sympathy for Roeder
Says it all really. Except I haver no sympathy whatsoever. He lost it in my eyes when he said Bramble was the future at toon!
Any manager who thinks (and plays!) Bramble or Ameobi are good are doomed to failure from the first kick off of their toon career.

Only the toon could raise Dyer's wage packet from 60K to 80k whilst injured, the club is a joke, absolutely no professionalism.

Everyone knew Owen was injury prone, that is why real madrid sold him!

Look at Martins, 10 mill, pfft he looks exactly like lua lua, at least we did not pay anything for him (relatively speaking!).
Luque, what a useless joke, no speed, no skill, no instinct for goal and cost 10 mill!

Milner, his deal with villa was on-off-on-off, disgraceful, his confidence must be v, low!

Look at the uefa game, we won, what does Roeder do? Not play the same team! The players who came back after being injured/suspended were the most dreadful on Saturday. They have no fire in their bellies because they could sit beside the corner flag all game and still get picked. What about some of the youngsters that steered us to victory in europe? What must they think? "It doesn't matter how I play I will still not get picked!" That is a dangerous attitude, because we may need them later on in the prem.

Let us look at some of the regulars (sorry I meant the squad.):
Given/Harper/Kaul: No worries here really.

Taylor/Ramage: Why aren't they playing as back two every match? Minimum quality for a top six side.

Carr/Bab/Moore: Too slow, bab too slow in his heart can run faster. Carr
too slow/fat and lazy, gets forward well but could cross his fingers. Moore good brain but far too old.

Bramble: Worse player in a toon shirt (I hear you cry: "what about Des Hamilton")? Cost 5 mill, cost us more than that in leaked goals. Remember the season when we finished 5th behind L'pool? They beat us by 1 point to the champ league position, who did we play that season and drew when we were 1-0 up? Who's fault was it? (Remember Bramble sprinted toward smicer and woodgate, ended up tackling (rubgy style) woodgate and the ball bounced through for smicer to score) . Get rid, the epitimy (SP?) of what is wrong with the toon.


Parker/Nobby/Duff/Milner: OK

Emre: vastly overrated, when was the last time you saw a decent corner from this man or a free kick! How many goals has he got? Too rough in tackles when calm is in order (in otherwords too rash). Only performs well every tenth game. Get rid.

N'Zogbia: A good player now, keep playing him in centre midfield and he will shine! Expect him to be sold soon if we keep going as we are.

Dyer: Get rid (should have done it about five years ago). WHEN FIT he is pacy, but has absolutley no clue about anything else (except for bling bling)

Butt: Seems to be okay this season and has bucked up his ideas, worthy of a selection maybe.

Owen: Too injury prone, eveyone knew it, toon knew it, gambled and lost, stuck with his huge pay packet (90-100 k/week?!!!)

Rossi: Looks ok, has heart and is lively. WHY NOT PLAY HIM ROEDER? Otherwise we are paying his wages for nothing (starting to sound like a familiar theme!)

Siberski: OK, only here as a stop gap, defo play him in front of ameobi.

Martins: Looks to expensive for someone who looks like Dyer, all pace nothing else.

Luque: Not right since his hamstring injury (I can sympathise a little) as a result he has lost all pace. Sell, even for a couple of mill.

Ameobi: Crap, crap and crap. I call him bambi 'cos he looks like a new born fowl. How many seasons? How many goals!? (one goal every three games by my rough calcs, dont forget he is our future of the club) thankfully he is injured for the rest of the season, looks like his promise of 20 goals per season (saying it for years) is out of the window! Get rid asap.

How bad must the situation be if you want some of your own team players to be injured!!!!!!!

All in all get rid of most of team or least give them the birch (or both.)

Sorry for being a doom monger but I predicted a relegation battle before the season kicked off. Thanks for listening to my rant, :mad:
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Newcastle Utd are in a mess at the moment, i did expect them to do a bit better this season. I haven't much to commend about the team yet but lets see how they do in the upcoming games, they play good football and have some especially good midfield.
we play rubbish football though, and the time for lets see how they do in upcoming games was about 4 games ago, when we started playing the lesser teams in the division.

we should have beat fulham, boro, sheff utd, charlton, if we had of like we shoudl of, we would be on 19 pts which atm is joint 4th!!!!!

i no its all very well me saying we shoudl of beaten them and then that means other teams shoudl of beaten whatever like chelsea v spurs, but really the above teams are teams you would expect us to beat, and because we haven't its added even more pressure, a dont think ppl are to bothered about man utd/liverpool for example because there a diff class considering our injuries. but the above teams are teams we should have beaten, man city is another one we should beat considering there bad run of form as well.

my point is basically its not acceptable to lose to teams that we no we can beat comfortbly when we are on form.
Have to agree with all of what you guys are saying, but I think we should keep emre, he wasn't that expensive at 5million and he always plays well imo gives 100%, not penetrating as much anymore (goals,free kicks), but he can keep the ball, tackle and do nice passes.

As for those games we should have won, we would have if we simply had a good defence, we went ahead in some of those games and conceeded goals very very late on.
Van_Dammesque said:
Emre: vastly overrated, when was the last time you saw a decent corner from this man or a free kick! How many goals has he got? Too rough in tackles when calm is in order (in otherwords too rash). Only performs well every tenth game. Get rid.


Even the most cynical fans I know admit Souness did well to bring Emre in, sure he has bad games but he is one of our best players. He tracks back and wins so much ball, his range of passing is amazing and he is very skillful with great technique- doesn't lose the ball much.
Visionary said:

Even the most cynical fans I know admit Souness did well to bring Emre in, sure he has bad games but he is one of our best players. He tracks back and wins so much ball, his range of passing is amazing and he is very skillful with great technique- doesn't lose the ball much.

Emre has played 38 matches (+4 if you include subs) and only scored 3 goals!
That is on average approx. 1 goal every 13 matches. As our free-kick taker and generally equally as likely to move up front, he has a very poor scoring record, if we are to be a club in the top 6 of the prem, midfielders should at least chip in with ten goals a season.

As far as him being one of our best players and only plays well every so often goes to show how bad we actually are! Yeah I agree he is decent but only WHEN he plays well, which i reckon is only every tenth game. At the top of the prem, which is where we want to be, we cannot afford inconsistency (particularly in a important position).

As they say, everyone has opinions about football!
Nah I still reckon emre is top class, I don't see it much on tv but when I goto matches he always shines out, not every player can always score, and maybe he would score more had he had the freedom to go forward, it's been no secret Roeder wants Emre to track back and rather let Parker attack.
From the Guardian


If schadenfreude is the malicious enjoyment of another's misfortune, then schadenfred is surely the malicious enjoyment of the many misfortunes currently being visited upon Newcastle's slimy chairman Fat Freddy Shepherd. Since the Jabba The Hutt-alike became chairman of the Magpies 10 years ago, he's consorted with fake sheikhs in Spanish knocking shops, admitted to ripping off his own fans, insulted the canine population of Newcastle by likening them to Geordie women, and plunged his club into debt while steering it from second to 19th place in the Premiership. It hasn't all been bad, though - while leading his club's plummet into the red on two fronts, Freddy's somehow managed to line his own pockets to the tune of £8.3m. Trebles all round!

Today the under-fire chairman was in defiant mood as he pitched up at St James's Park promising to sort out the latest fine mess he's got Newcastle into. "Right now it would seem I am the only one prepared to do this job and it's one I will continue to do to the very best of my ability and with the best interest of the club at heart," he way-ayed, before heading to the training ground to give his players a piece of his mind he could ill afford. "I think it's time the players are reminded just who they are playing for," he continued, hoping that the sight of an obese, angry, slug-like life-form would be enough to shake Titus Bramble, James Milner and others out of their current torpor.

Just two years ago, Fat Freddy told the Dubai Soccerex international football forum "there is no sympathy here" for teams attempting to survive outside the Premiership. It's small wonder, then, that there is no sympathy anywhere else for Newcastle's current plight. If they get relegated, the sound of raucous laughter nationwide will drown out the sound of them crashing into the Championship. But chances are, both Freddy and his football club will survive by sacking Glenn Roeder, appointing another "saviour" to much fanfare from the notoriously fickle and gullible Geordie fans, and then repeating the monotonous process once again this time next year. And the year after...

Its dire we are 19th to be honest, im simply shocked - considering we still are one of the richest clubs are we not? we should be spending our money fixing our Defence.

I expect a loss every week to be honest, im suprised we won any games at all :(
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