Doesn't care,
Depression does not care how happy you should be, it doesn't care how grateful you should be for just being alive, it doesn't care what your plans were, what you were meant to do with your life, logic and reason do not matter one bit.
Doesn't care,
What you want to accomplish today, it is like a triple glazed frosted window between you and life, you can just about see those that care about you, read motivational words and all those dreams you had, but it is all in the distance and disconnected.
Doesn't care,
How your cancer is going, it doesn't care that the results are good, it doesn't care that you want to live for her, you want to do all the things she can no longer do, it just doesn't care how good your life looks to other people or how lucky you are with your results.
Now we come to the understanding the knowing the part that no one who hasn't dealt with the 800 pound gorilla putting you through the floor.
Have you ever wondered why seemingly talented people at the top of there game, rich people with everything to live for, those with amazing families and the whole world to be experienced, commit suicide?
Now I know, now I understand because when you are suffering with depression and things go right for you, it doesn't get rid of depression, it doesn't shine a light in the darkness what it does is make you feel guilty..
Guilty because things are going so well and all you feel is lost lonely empty and despair your depression is multiplied by the guilt at feeling that way when you just beat cancer, had a child or your wife told you she loves you.
Don't worry i'm not gone yet, "professionals" are looking out for me, I just now understand why all those people ended it.