*** Nexus 5 Accessory Thread ***

Are screen protectors worth it these days? I thought the Gorilla Glass front was the toughest, most scratch resistance part of the phone! Surely screen protectors hark back to the days of plastic screens?

I'm still looking for a decent leather wallet like the Leicke Manna
Are screen protectors worth it these days? I thought the Gorilla Glass front was the toughest, most scratch resistance part of the phone! Surely screen protectors hark back to the days of plastic screens?

I've never applied a screen protector and am yet to suffer a scratch. I have cracked glass in a drop (didn't make it as far as the screen thankfully), but never a scratch.
Are screen protectors worth it these days? I thought the Gorilla Glass front was the toughest, most scratch resistance part of the phone! Surely screen protectors hark back to the days of plastic screens?

I'm still looking for a decent leather wallet like the Leicke Manna

I think most folk think they provide crack and break protection, like magic I suppose.
You will have them, everyone I've ever came across who said that has them.

I don't. That's the one benefit to having OCD, means my phone is perfect and I mean perfect. Most people who buy screen protectors are people who man handle their phones. However, I would really like a black bumper case for it if they ever come in stock Google!
Question then with regards to screen protectors and glass or not glass.

I'm not getting case but want a protector that won't attract loads of muck and grease to it.

Rhino one or atFoliX anti glare screen protector.?

Unless there's a better one out there.
does USB otg work on the nexus 5?

as I was thinking of possibly getting one of these


to get the best SQ possible from the phone, not ideal for a lot of people but it is basically phone proof in the sense of it will work on any future phone that also has USB otg so it would could be used for like 5+ years no problem i imagine making it a worthwhile purchase.

note this is not one of those crappy headphone amplifiers that people use with the headphone socket, this is a DAC and uses a digital signal from the USB and converts it and amplifies a pure signal to the headphones whereas the headphone amplifiers people misuse them with a headphone out signal instead of a line out signal.
what's the stock SQ like on the N5 anyhow Psycho Sonny?

Also what player do you use?

Neutron, you need to pay for it but it's supposedly the best for android, unless there is a new one which is better than anyone knows of, not compatible with play music but i don't think any decent app is, unless someone knows of one. so you do have to have files stored locally.

tbh it's not that good, I used my sennheisers with it the other day and it sounded awful compared to even my ipod touch which is a device i guess most people would have had or used.

in terms of SQ i would rate it probably around 7 out of ten, ipod touch would be around 8 and a half out of ten, using a DAC and USB otg would give the purist SQ available tbh from any phone and depending on the DAC a minimum of 9.5 out of 10.

if you spread the cost of the DAC out over say 5 years, it makes it a pretty easy choice if you use your phone for music a lot. obviously it's going to add a lot of bulk and essentially mean your carrying 2 phone sized devices around but it's worth it to get the best out of your headphones and really enjoy the music.

obviously if you use crappy headphones this ain't gonna be worthwhile, E10's minimum tbh.
I'm still looking for a decent leather wallet




The little strap is magnetic so you can bend it backwards out of the way.


Orzyl case.
Interesting that you say it's not that good stock.

PowerAmp with the Note 3 and RHA MA350 earphones gives me great sound. I wonder if the Note 3 and the N5 have the same audio hardware.

Have you tried PowerAmp?


consensus is that neutron is better for SQ, poweramp has the best overall package though with pretty decent SQ.

i already have neutron so no reason to get poweramp tbh.
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