They offer a quality overall package, on good hardware, with a better ecosystem supporting it all (in my opinion). It's not hard to see why people like them, though they aren't the best 'value'.
Main reason I want an Android phone now is because I'd prefer a bigger screen. I've no issues with the software and would actually prefer the iOS app store & iTunes store, given the choice.
quality overall package? which android device doesn't offer that?
as for ecosystem, the apple one is horrible, you can only use apple products with other apple products.
it's much like ikea, if you buy a bed from ikea it isn't a standard size, it's slightly different. that then means you need to buy your mattress from ikea because the standard mattresses won't fit properly. now that you have an ikea mattress only ikea bedding will fit it since it isn't a standard size, etc, etc.
apple tv will only work with apple products, same goes for i-docks, etc, etc, etc.
i mean why not get a bluetooth dock which works with any phone, why not get a DLNA device which works with any phone instead of apple TV.
apples eco system is also far more expensive than the competitions, in fact i can do most of the stuff for free whereas with apple i need to pay for it.
can you stream a movie from your iphone to a dlna tv? i can stream from my tablet or phone for free with no other devices apart from a router.
none of the arguments for buying apple hold any water IMO.
overpriced, restricted, under specced, expensive add-ons.