If you could take all the parts from any phone and put them all together, none would be from an iPhone.
Nokia has the best cameras. Nexus have the best software. Samsung have the best screens.
I get that's all your opinion, but software is subjective. As are the screens, the IPS LCD on the iPhone is comparable to any other.
Nokia have the best camera on paper, but in reality it's not actually that good. In a point and shoot situation (which you want on a phone), the 5S is often considered to have the best camera. Let's not forget the size, too, the Lumia 1020 is much thicker than an iPhone.
Unsure on who has the best speakers.
Nokia has the best build quality.
HTC have the best speakers at the moment, and I think Apple's build quality is comparable to Nokia.
Nexus, Moto G have the best price strategies.
Value, yes. Do people always want value? You are getting what you pay for in the end. The Nexus, while excellent, is still flawed in areas where you wouldn't ideally want it to be.
The only reason why apple has more apps and that they are more stable and efficient is less SKU's available.
Make an app for android and it has to be compatible with thousands of different phones. Apple have like what 6-8 models or something which need to be supported.
The reason doesn't really matter, it's still the case. It's also not about the number of apps (doesn't Android have more?), it's about the quality of them.
IMO though that's no reason to pick apple. There's nothing I can't do on android that you can on apple. But plenty I can do on android that you can't on apple like Bluetooth an mp3 to each other.
If you're going to make a list of specific features, iOS isn't going to win, you have to see past that to understand the positives. It's the overall package. Also, if you were to Jailbreak an iPhone, that opens up many other options.
Now to repeat, I think Android is easily comparable, but it all comes down to personal preference. I hope Apple bump up the screen size for the next iPhone, I'm sure they will.