*** Nexus 5 THE Official Thread ***

Tiny speaker sound. WTF!! This was a major problem on the N4. Sometimes it would beep and i wouldn't hear the notification. Looks like its one of the areas they cut corners to keep the price down :(
I'm attempting to resign the Cyanogenmod MMS apk with the latest API level so I can have the regular text app with the carriage return key present as well. If it works I'll post a link here if anyone is interested?

I'd be interested! I imagine i'm not the only one who isn't interested in Hangouts in the slightest. I have a Holo Dark Themed MMS apk that i've been using with CM10.1 if it's useful to you?

Is the speaker/call quality (for the person you're speaking to, i.e. bad mic) as bad as everyone has been saying?
Couple of test shots from the n5, n4 and s3.

Nexus 5


Nexus 4


Galaxy S3

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This is what I don't get about new phones
A good speaker isn't exactly hard to achieve. It's not some sort of beta tech. And a good speaker mass produced isn't going to cost much different to a cheapo one

Things like this baffle me
My gnex had an abysmal speaker even with a volume boosting app.
The moto I have now, although mono, is much much better
The nexus devices always have to have some big flaw :p

I can see me sending mine back under DSR at this rate :(

I do wonder if it is something intentional due to not upsetting other manufacturers? The price is so good
Not good enough for me to use for over year!
When you use something as much as a mobile I'd rather pay more for the near perfect than save a couple of hundred and have niggles
Just to let people know, I rang three and requested a micro sim. Normally cost 5.99 but they waived the charge for me.

I called in the three store last night to sort a micro sim for my son and they pulled out a stapler type device and cut his full sized sim.. took 2 secs :)
I do wonder if it is something intentional due to not upsetting other manufacturers? The price is so good
Not good enough for me to use for over year!
When you use something as much as a mobile I'd rather pay more for the near perfect than save a couple of hundred and have niggles

It's annoying more devices don't have stock Android.
Just to let people know, I rang three and requested a micro sim. Normally cost 5.99 but they waived the charge for me.

They're all usually free, theres no point in carriers discouraging customers in the first hurdle by making them pay for sims.
Is this phone likely to end up available on an Orange contract? I get a good deal at the mo and it's upgrade time soon so I aren't sure if contract cost wise I am going to better what I have without using redemption deals etc.
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