What sim card does this phone take?
micro sim
What sim card does this phone take?
I do wonder if it is something intentional due to not upsetting other manufacturers? The price is so good
Not good enough for me to use for over year!
When you use something as much as a mobile I'd rather pay more for the near perfect than save a couple of hundred and have niggles
What's the battery life like?
Has anyone tried Sky Go on this? It's not listed as supported yet (knowing Sky - that could mean centons before it is...)
Due to Google's inability to cancel my order yesterday, even though it hadn't shipped. I've been advised not to accept the delivery. It'll be returned to sender and I'll get a refund. Anyone know if the refund will be minus the £9.99 delivery charge?
Whilst the Speaker may not be the greatest its 100% better than the one in my Galaxy Nexus.
With my Galaxy Nexus on 100% with Volume+ the volume on the Nexus 5 is on about two thirds, it sounds a bit tinny but not to bad.
Finally got my despatch email
But 10 quid for "1-3 business days"? It coming in a gold plated van?