NFL 2013 Season

Total domination. Great defense from Seattle from the start, dreadful offence and defense from Denver all night long. Sloppy tackling/ball carrying etc.

12th man made a huge difference, young and hungry team = winners!

Well done Seattle.
Wish I'd posted somewhere, before game I'd said to my mates -

a) Everyone always underestimates what a great D can do to a great O (almost everyone I know was picking Denver)

b) Seattle would put pressure on Manning, throw him off his game and take the win (I did include a caveat that if they didn't put pressure on him, Denver would win)

c) If Seattle won by more than 10, it would include a Defensive Touchdown...

Yes, I took Seattle, but didn't expect quite as good a display.

Russell Wilson, best 2nd year QB in history :cool:

No, not really. They could have plugged 80% of other team starting QB's in there and still got an easy win last night. (Don't get me wrong, he did a great job, but he only matched what Trent Dilfer did ;) ) **EDIT** Thinking back, and I have a terrible memory, but Roethlisberger probably has a much better claim on this doesn't he? Looking back he had a nightmare SB, but I think he was a bigger influence through the year?

It is interesting though, there were a lot of discussions of who would win a ring first, Wilson, Luck or RG3. Well, that's been answered now!

Well done Seattle, I do like to see great defenses make offences look silly!
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He might be statistically but we all know it isn't down to that is Peyton shows :D

Real Superbowl was two weeks ago, pity we **** the bed a bit and didn't take advantage of the huge control we had for three quarters
I understand those saying it was a boring Superbowl but I am not an NFL follower and stayed with it to the end, could not stop watching.

I was expecting a shutout to be honest, was disappointed when Denver got the touchdown.
Yeah actually Big Ben is definitely the most successful QB in his first two years, one win behind Wilson but lost 5 games less.

Also that Seattle offence has been carried big time by a special defence a lot this season.
congrats to the Seahawks on their first Superbowl win. feel bad for Manning and Broncos with such a poor showing. this was like a high school football game blowout. :rolleyes:

such a pity a great season/playoffs ended in such a crappy game!

anyway on to next year and I hope the Giants can step it up massively. I miss the days of the Crunch Bunch. I know concussions are not a trivial issue, but I'll admit I like old school power football.
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