NFL 2013 Season

“The NFC Championship was the Super Bowl ... The 49ers were the second-best team in the NFL.” Richard Sherman

Purdy and Sherman agreeing on something? Peace in our time!
How is it offensive? Do we have to call New Zealand rugby team the "All African Americans" ?

are you being serious? it is as offensive as if there were other teams called the "Mississippi N****rs", the "NY Kikes" or the "Texas Wetbacks"

if you can't understand how redskin is racist and pejorative, then you are either naïve, inherently racist or simply ignorant as to how native americans were treated. maybe you should get a history book.

PS afaik there are no African Americans in NZ. the native people are of Polynesian descent, neither black, American or African. Maybe I am naïve as I don't follow rugby or don't know much about NZ, but I thought All Blacks was related to their uniform.
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FYI this ad was sponsored by a native American association, because they find the term redskin racist. the term redskin was not invented by the NFL it was used well before in white society, movies etc...

There were people using the same dismissive arguments as yourself, to keep using the N word
I don't really want the name and logo to change, just because i've always known them as the Redskins. feels odd to change it. But, if it is truly offending people then it probably should be changed.

What I don't understand is why all the exposure now and not say... 10-20-30 years ago? Saying that, there are a lot of teams before Washington that have changed their Redskins name.

I'm aware quite a few teams have changed their names, logos, mascots due to these kinds of protests... but some of them baffle me.

I don't feel like it should be compared with the Nbomb... whilst both are taboo, Native Americans don't call themselves Redskins, where as people of the 'African American' descent, tend to use it freely. At least, the ones that are in my friendship group do!
Due to commitments I only watched the Superbowl yesterday.

I picked Seahawks 1st game of the season as my team for the year so I'm happy there. Was actually laughing on numerous occasions in disbelief. I love watching Wilson as he's an entertaining QB but he didn't even have to do a single thing to win that game.

Manning won the Superbowl for Seattle.

I still enjoyed it for the variety in scoring plays and the complete collapse of Denver but would have preferred a closer game for sure.

I hope the Stanley Cup offers more competition all the way to the end when that kicks off (go Blues/Penguins!!).

Seems like such a long wait for the start of the season again now. Always like to see a new team win the trophy though, which is a large part of why I picked Seattle. They were entertaining to watch, had a lot of quality and had never won.

It's the same reason I'm supporting the St Louis Blues as my 2nd team in the NHL this season. Great team to watch, yet they are the longest playing team to never win the Stanley Cup (i think). If they win, that's 2 of 2 for me! Really ought to put bets on!!!!!!!!!!!
But, if it is truly offending people then it probably should be changed.

Generally I agree with this, but at the same time, I can't help think that some people are far too easily offended and in fact they choose to be offended, which I don't think is how it works...

For example, I'll always remember one of my teachers, 20+ years ago, saying we shouldn't use the phrase 'black sheep of the family' as it was offensive to black people. One of the most ridiculous things I've heard.

As I say, I don't really know the history of the word, so hard for me to comment much more.
Generally I agree with this, but at the same time, I can't help think that some people are far too easily offended and in fact they choose to be offended, which I don't think is how it works...

For example, I'll always remember one of my teachers, 20+ years ago, saying we shouldn't use the phrase 'black sheep of the family' as it was offensive to black people. One of the most ridiculous things I've heard.

As I say, I don't really know the history of the word, so hard for me to comment much more.

Yeah for sure. nail on the head there.

Basically what I was trying to get at with the Nbomb. Its only offensive when people 'decide' they are going to be offended.

Only... I think you explain it better :D
Struggling... 7 Months till football :(

Glad my season starts in April!

That'swhy I'm so happy the NHL runs into June.
Plus the Olympic Ice Hockey again which is an added bonus.

I've always watched F1 for as long as I can remember but this season is the first time I have no interest at all in it.
So NHL til June, then a sports break then it all kicks off again when pre-season starts.
NFL seasons is TOO short though!!!! :(
That'swhy I'm so happy the NHL runs into June.
Plus the Olympic Ice Hockey again which is an added bonus.

I've always watched F1 for as long as I can remember but this season is the first time I have no interest at all in it.
So NHL til June, then a sports break then it all kicks off again when pre-season starts.
NFL seasons is TOO short though!!!! :(

Amen brother, I'm and NHL fan too, love the 82 game schedule over 16 football games!
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