There is not a doctor I know that wouldn’t happily ditch sick notes. It is essentially impossible to do perfectly. Let people self certify for a period and then make an employer pay for a more fulsome occupational health assessment. Companies ‘win’ in the current situation in that it mostly works and they avoid the added cost to their business of lots of assessments. They ‘lose’ in that it is open to abuse and a higher level of uncertainty. If your company feels that they aren’t worth the paper they’re written on then pony up to one of the many occupational health companies and have that written into your staff handbook.
Other than when the issues is stress from their work then me providing a sick note really isn’t part of me providing healthcare, it’s entirely an occupational issue and I believe I can quite validly state it’s not my problem.
Other than when the issues is stress from their work then me providing a sick note really isn’t part of me providing healthcare, it’s entirely an occupational issue and I believe I can quite validly state it’s not my problem.