I tripped over a black metal bollard someone had ripped out of the ground and left across a dark unlit path because the council are too cheap to turn on the street lights.
not drunk or anything literally walked to tesco for some milk
90mins later my arm is stiff and won't bend in/out at the elbow.
the outside of my elbow is a swollen tangle of tendons.
A&E sends me for 2 x-rays instantly.
Then 1 hour until a nnurse takes my temp/bloood pressure/heart beat.
3hours and I get called again, put in a small room where a woman examines my arm unsure if it's fractured or not on the x-ray.
she leaves me again for 30minutes where she must be trying to get aa second opinion.
comes back with a sling and a pack of codeine tablets, tell me someone will look at the x-rays in 2-4 days and give me a phone call, but I probably don't need surgery.
total time wasted in the Hospital about 5.5 hours, the screen said a 6 hour wait.
90% of people were coming in and giving up after 2 hours, about 2 people per hour were getting seen too.
It wasn't exactly busy and only 10 people were still sitting there when I left around 6am.
How can a city centre hospitals A&E literally be calling 2 people per hour? that's like half a staff member on duty?