NHS=Negligent Health Service

This post pretty much encapsulates why the digitisation of NHS records is still an ongoing process after all this time xD

We do have systems where Clinicians enter all data on a tablet eg K2 Maternity, Somerset and PDMS ICU however you can't search them so I get people asking me where they can see Waterlow Scores or Caesarian Notes etc and I have to explain where they are.
It makes me laugh when people think everybody's data can be inputted into a system to be searchable, I'd like to see it done with just one patient who has had a very simple journey.
Just had a Gastroscopy first few minutes were awful... about 4x worse than an Endoscopy at an ENT place that goes in your nose, I had that yesterday hardest part was trying to resist swallowing.

Gastroscopy felt like a much wider tube, you get a plastic guard in your mouth and basically feel like you want to rip the tube out of your mouth for the first minute or two, literally thought I was going to have a panic attack but then it was all chill once I ignored the urge to swallow and just listened to my breathing.

I had a taxi driver tell me it was awful and he'd never do it without sedation again. man up bro...

Nurse was like "don't worry about the throat spray, it's perfectly normal to not know your breathing or swallowing"

Pretty good experience overall I guess. bit of a language barrier with the nurse, I think she was from the Philippines, she seems nice though, I think we just struggled a bit with each others accents

but got given my copy of the results and told to take them to my GP so he can prescribe the "advised medication on the form"

What a waste of a GP appointment slot, and at my surgery it's so hard to get an appointment.
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but got given my copy of the results and told to take them to my GP so he can prescribe the "advised medication on the form"

What a waste of a GP appointment slot, and at my surgery it's so hard to get an appointment.
When I got drugs to take for my upcoming procedure, to give to the GP, I handed it in at reception and was told to come back in two days. I came back two days later and was told the script was already at the in-house Pharmacist. I went over and got the drugs. No need for a GP appointment.
Just had a Gastroscopy first few minutes were awful... about 4x worse than an Endoscopy at an ENT place that goes in your nose, I had that yesterday hardest part was trying to resist swallowing.

Gastroscopy felt like a much wider tube, you get a plastic guard in your mouth and basically feel like you want to rip the tube out of your mouth for the first minute or two, literally thought I was going to have a panic attack but then it was all chill once I ignored the urge to swallow and just listened to my breathing.

I had a taxi driver tell me it was awful and he'd never do it without sedation again. man up bro...

Nurse was like "don't worry about the throat spray, it's perfectly normal to not know your breathing or swallowing"

Pretty good experience overall I guess. bit of a language barrier with the nurse, I think she was from the Philippines, she seems nice though, I think we just struggled a bit with each others accents

but got given my copy of the results and told to take them to my GP so he can prescribe the "advised medication on the form"

What a waste of a GP appointment slot, and at my surgery it's so hard to get an appointment.

A lot of these endoscopy services are nurse lead. You see the GP, they book an endoscopy to rule our cancer, a nurse/AHP does the endoscopy and leaves the GP to deal with the result.

It's a pretty garbage service overall designed to rule out cancer but achieve little else.
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When I got drugs to take for my upcoming procedure, to give to the GP, I handed it in at reception and was told to come back in two days. I came back two days later and was told the script was already at the in-house Pharmacist. I went over and got the drugs. No need for a GP appointment.
Yea I went to reception before it closed and asked if I really needed to waste a GP appointment.

She said she could sort it out and photocopied my results.

Basically same meds as before but 4x as much for 6 weeks, then twice as much for however long

Hope they don't ask me to do another Gastroscopy any time soon.

A lot of these endoscopy services are nurse lead. You see the GP, they book an endoscopy to rule our cancer, a nurse/AHP does the endoscopy and leaves the GP to deal with the result.
yea its just weird and seems a waste of GPs time when it literally says what meds, what dose, how long for.

I guess there's reasons but at the hospital they know everything about your health anyway.
The nurse asked loads of questions before the procedure.
Just had a Gastroscopy first few minutes were awful... about 4x worse than an Endoscopy at an ENT place that goes in your nose, I had that yesterday hardest part was trying to resist swallowing.

Gastroscopy felt like a much wider tube, you get a plastic guard in your mouth and basically feel like you want to rip the tube out of your mouth for the first minute or two, literally thought I was going to have a panic attack but then it was all chill once I ignored the urge to swallow and just listened to my breathing.

I had a taxi driver tell me it was awful and he'd never do it without sedation again. man up bro...

Nurse was like "don't worry about the throat spray, it's perfectly normal to not know your breathing or swallowing"

Pretty good experience overall I guess. bit of a language barrier with the nurse, I think she was from the Philippines, she seems nice though, I think we just struggled a bit with each others accents

but got given my copy of the results and told to take them to my GP so he can prescribe the "advised medication on the form"

What a waste of a GP appointment slot, and at my surgery it's so hard to get an appointment.
Would rank it as the most disturbing thing I’ve ever experienced. Was just grim - eyes watering, small Thai nurse stroking my head like a cat, trying to calm me with sweet thoughts. Walked out of that specialist very quiet contemplating wtf just happened.
Ok let’s look at private healthcare..
1. Phone up and get a video call. I have cricked neck where painkillers are just masking it.. sleep needed painkillers.. etc etc.
2. VC physio asks questions says “general pain” and says I’m getting old. Says it should go in 6weeks or so.. then suggests I can get stronger painkiller.
3. I say that’s not what I want and he then offers a referral.
4. 2 weeks later..
5. I get a face to face appointment and the guy goes through doing tests.
6. Guy corrects rotation of 2 vertebra (C7 etc), T1 also showing up like a mother.. suggests ice pack to bring down inflammation and paracetamol.
7. Got 4 more treatments and it’s already feeling better.

So even private has it’s fair share of numpties willing to tell you what tou want to hear.
Would rank it as the most disturbing thing I’ve ever experienced. Was just grim - eyes watering, small Thai nurse stroking my head like a cat, trying to calm me with sweet thoughts. Walked out of that specialist very quiet contemplating wtf just happened.
I honestly didn't think it was that bad after it passed down my throat.

The nurse squirted loads of stuff on my tongue, must have been a good 20 pumps , I saw on reddit people saying they had the gag reflex trigger a few times but mine was totally fine.
I could still feel the tube sliding in and out and kept having the urge to swallow but was otherwise fine.

no eyes watering or anything.

I just focused on my breathing and hoped it would soon be over, throat feels a bit sore but otherwise fine, they took a bunch of samples but never felt it happening

glad I didn't look at any of the videos on youtube first and went in blind
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This is actually true..
I had mysteriois pains in my left side finaly anaysed and sorted out but I requieed a few weeks of weekly jabs. I went in on a satuday morning hand had to wait becuase the key to the locker had to be found. I told them I could have come3 back anther time but they finally found the key..
Wife has just been referred for Physio. Been told it’s a 60 week wait. I thought it was bad but yeah that’s really crap.
Are you registered with Donnington Medical Practice, Linden Hall Surgery, Shawbirch Medical Centre, or Wellington Road Surgery?
If so, the First Contact Physiotherapists might be an option. Usually much much faster than 'regular' physio.
Are you registered with Donnington Medical Practice, Linden Hall Surgery, Shawbirch Medical Centre, or Wellington Road Surgery?
If so, the First Contact Physiotherapists might be an option. Usually much much faster than 'regular' physio.

No mate we are with Teldoc. She has called and her pain Dr is going to try and push for a bit quicker so waiting on outcome of that.

Impressive, we now have a 2 tier health system!
In the real world an MP going to an A&E will get seen soonest. Hunt told how he took his daughter to A&E because he could not get a GPs appointment that day. He was Health Secretary at the time.
In the real world an MP going to an A&E will get seen soonest. Hunt told how he took his daughter to A&E because he could not get a GPs appointment that day. He was Health Secretary at the time.

And so do a lot of people. Not sure what that has to do with her receiving priority treatment because of her voting trends thought. Two completely separate things.
And so do a lot of people. Not sure what that has to do with her receiving priority treatment because of her voting trends thought. Two completely separate things.
DUH!!! She is an MP and as I said will be seen first. Nothing to do with political party or anything else, it is because she is an MP. The Jewish news is just making mischief, just repeating a story from that well known Tory supporting rag, the Mail.
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