Yeah, but not by much if it does well.Yep and its about to be discontinued and it didnt sell. I cant see Nintendo making the same mistake again, i expect a price drop close to Christmas personally.
Yeah, but not by much if it does well.Yep and its about to be discontinued and it didnt sell. I cant see Nintendo making the same mistake again, i expect a price drop close to Christmas personally.
Just received Bomberman R in the post
I see where you're coming from and you're right it will still be very good later but at this point I know very little besides the starting area.
In 6 months time I will know a lot more about the world, story etc. whether I like it or not, unless I choose not to visit social media/forums, follow gaming news or listen to podcasts anymore.
Exploring this fresh and new and having that buzz from discussing with others who are also doing the same is a big part of the experience (for me at least).
And price wise I don't think it's going to get that much cheaper, console or the game, this is Nintendo Just look at the price of the Wii U.
Lick the cartridge/gamecard whatever you want to call it. Apparently they taste foul. Can you confirm?
The Wii U launched at £250/Basic and £300/Premium. There was a soft £50 price drop about a year after release, with game bundles brought in at the new price point.
There's nothing to suggest that will happen with the Switch. But I'm content enough to wait. If I bought one now, it would be a £320+ investment to play Zelda. With the price of Switch games being quite high, there's nothing else I'm interested in until Mario Odyssey.
By and large, that's why I dropped my pre-order. As I've put previously, the Switch needed a little something extra for me to justify the expense; more Nintendo releases in year one, cheaper games, tablet apps, or multi-platform titles like Mass Effect. Zelda looks amazing. But I can't justify £320+ for that game alone.
I previously pretty ordered and cancelled but ordered from Amazon today and it's due Saturday. Struggling to get Zelda in stock anywhere though
You've said yourself you don't use your PC or PS4 much and are disinterested in gaming so I agree not much point you buying another console for it to sit gathering dust, you're better off just going on forums saying the same thing over and over.
I previously pretty ordered and cancelled but ordered from Amazon today and it's due Saturday. Struggling to get Zelda in stock anywhere though
Wow. You're cranky.
I wonder how many Switch buyers WONT be picking up Zelda on launch with it. Surely its got to be 90-95% take up?
Zavvi just cancelled my pro controller order. As I want one on unboxing I have went to Amazon prime