*** Nintendo Switch ***

What I am most interested in is the handheld aspect.

The DS series of consoles have been undoubtedly where Nintendo have had the most success and profits in recent years. But by God, it needs a true upgrade, not just what the new 3DS has offered. By true upgrade I mean can we please lose the prehistoric display resolution of the 3DS?!

+1 And make the thing more comfortable to play. Outside of slow games like turn based RPGs and Mario, more button-mashy games like Castlevania and Monster Hunter are literally painful to play. Heck, Castlevania was unplayable for me. When we finally get a decent handheld, things will be well. Here's to hoping the whole NX hybrid thing is true. 400x240 resolution is last decade, the PSP had that!

Of course, playing a game in full 1080p60 would be awesome on a handheld, but given the 720p reoslution of the WiiU gamepad, we can't hope too high. I'm still looking forward to the home console. If only for the hope that it'll end this nonsense about compromising either framerate (cinematic 30 fps my ass) or native resolution going on in this generation. I'm not playing modern games at 30fps, sorry. Incidentally many WiiU games (including Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 2-player splitscreen) run at 1080p60, now ain't that funny?

Edit: Perhaps not, on that last line
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I wonder if it will have anything to do with Nintendo's recent interest in Android and iOS (basically ARM then?) games. Given we've been told it isn't a Wii 3.0 or whatever I'd expect a little set top box thing- low cost, low power, with games that can also run on the handheld version.
I wonder if it will have anything to do with Nintendo's recent interest in Android and iOS (basically ARM then?) games. Given we've been told it isn't a Wii 3.0 or whatever I'd expect a little set top box thing- low cost, low power, with games that can also run on the handheld version.

Yeah, thinking the same. Maybe Arm CPU with AMD graphics, so can run android etc. Unified OS for the hybrid console, easier for developers.

X86 + AMD would be better imho, with the portable part downgrading graphics but being able to play the same games on the go. Then when your at home put it into a dock for the full high res / 60FPS experience on the big screen.

Annoying Nintendo are so good at keeping quiet :P Just have no idea what this thing is going to be..
Good. Let's see a real effort at a console that can take on the two big hitters. I want to see an account system like xbox and ps4 have. A similar store and what it offers. And for the love of God, no gimmicky motion controller. Just a bog standard pad. There is talk of a scroll wheel sort of shoulder buttons/triggers. That should be interesting.

I'd really like to invest in Nintendo this generation. I just hope it's something normal this time.
The supposed interest in android was smacked down immediately by Nintendo - it's not happening.

Android is just an OS though, and I wouldn't expect it to actually use Android (they'd have to pay Google for a start?) I'd imagine whatever they make will have its own little OS (like every console does) but still ARM based.
Nintendo like control - whatever NX turns out to be it'll run Nintendo's OS, guaranteed.

I'm convinced it's a hybrid device and I'm certain we've got proper Nintendo network accounts coming.

BC could potentially be done in the cloud if new hardware doesn't permit (which almost certainly it won't), or they do it via virtual consoles again, somehow.
New rumour points to the console only being 900p graphics at 60fps, if true i very much doubt i will support it, Nintendo need to get into gear with their hardware or they deserve to die as a console manufacturer and end up software based only.
Horse poo, get used to it - the rumour mill is going to be churning out this plop for months.

Some people really are so gullible, Wii U does 1080p 60fps in some games already.
By the time the NX comes out the ps4 and xbone will be 3 years old.

If nintendo dont make the NX console much more powerful than current gen,they might as well stop making consoles.

The NX needs to handle 1080p 60fps with ease,and maybe go above that resolution.

So like it does now with 1st party games ;)
I think they are always good at getting the most out of the hardware so I think we should have measured calm if the specs are revealed and it has for example, Xbox 1/PS4 level specs.
To be honest I think they could do a lot with that hardware.
I think they are always good at getting the most out of the hardware so I think we should have measured calm if the specs are revealed and it has for example, Xbox 1/PS4 level specs.
To be honest I think they could do a lot with that hardware.

All Nintendo needs to do is release a console which can do 1080 at 60 (or that bit more) with no compromises for them or 3rd party developers. Combined that with their own 1st party titles and they will be well away.
Even if they make it so that all games can run at 1080p/60fps with ease then it will be better than current gen consoles.
Even with more powerful hardware you would still see sub 60FPS as developers will still take the decision to target visuals over "1080p/60".

At the very least I hope there is enough raw performance that we don't see sub 1080p* as well...

*Not that you can't create amazing games sub 1080p (MK8 / SM:W are perfect examples - both being 720p60 natively) but realistically we should be aiming to have 1080p as a baseline.
My personal hope is that they don't fall down the same trap as the PS4 and Xb 1 and use either flash storage as they are now for the OS/game install drive or a faster bus than Sata2

I think GDDR5 should be a reasonable expectation given that the PS4 was affordable with it a few years ago.

They could be two ingredients to a fast console kinda bang for buck wise.

I just think optimisation has always been their game, But ultimately it needs to be more in line with the other consoles for easier porting and therefore between 3rd party support.
From everything that we have heard the NX won't be a standard console so forget about comparing the specs to the PS4.

From memory(The WiiU is a ball park figure for where it will end up)
NES 60m -> SNES 50m -> N64 30m -> GC 20m -> Wii 100m -> WiiU 16m

The trend for Nintendo is clearly downwards for console sales. The Wii sold well because it had novel controller which attracted non gamers that could be explained in a 20 second advert.

For Nintendo to compete with Sony they would need a massive change in their approach to how they design consoles and would need to invest heavily in getting more mainstream games onto their system. Neither of them seems to be happening.

Whatever it is better be good as their market share in the mobile market is up serious threat from iOS/Android games.
This is a good video about the controller concept:

Edit: There is a set of 5 videos which show a lot more info from the same guy and some of his ideas based on the patent are good.
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