*** Nintendo Switch ***

I am leaning towards that.

Does it work ok in handheld mode?

Performance wise it's perfect in handheld. I am not a big fan though because I use split joycons for motion control (only right hand moves) rather than a pro controller or connected joycons (both hands move together/Switch moves). I prefer playing in desktop mode rather than handheld for that reason.
I can't get enough of Splatoon 2 at the moment. Now I am a bit higher rank the battles are pretty intense affairs and almost always very close. So good.

Pro controller through the TV here. I should really give the split Joy-Cons a go.
I can't get enough of Splatoon 2 at the moment. Now I am a bit higher rank the battles are pretty intense affairs and almost always very close. So good.

Pro controller through the TV here. I should really give the split Joy-Cons a go.

Pro controller is what all the pros use, but I think that's just because at tournaments you have to use a wired controller. Apparently there is a little less (but still a lot) of input lag with the Pro controller too in wireless mode (wired mode adds a lot of latency).

Motion controls where you turn the whole pad like a steering wheel just feel too daft to me. I much prefer having my right hand act as a pointer like you do with the Wiimote controls on previous Nintendo consoles.
Took me a while to get used to after initially refusing to use motion but I prefer it now. Of course it is so much better than stick aiming. I wish all FPS games used it.
I keep trying to get my wife to play but she just doesn't enjoy being so terrible at everything. I might give the Snipperclips demo a go to see how she gets on with that.
I keep trying to get my wife to play but she just doesn't enjoy being so terrible at everything. I might give the Snipperclips demo a go to see how she gets on with that.

My wife isn't a gamer but she will play Overcooked, Snipperclips, Bomberman etc. She draws the line at Mario Kart.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (stupid name!) is great because it's not really a video game, it's a "real" game.
My wife isn't a gamer but she will play Overcooked, Snipperclips, Bomberman etc. She draws the line at Mario Kart.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (stupid name!) is great because it's not really a video game, it's a "real" game.

My wife is still playing Stardew Valley, we've each put 100hrs into that game. Pretty good value for money :p
What a waste of time and money.
You can run old 8 and 16 bit emulators on the switch. They play roms great and the games are much better than than the overpriced rubbish Nintendo sell.
Hollow knight is just no match for Metroidvania games on the NES and SNES. Get that switch dusted down from the bookcase and get RetroNX installed. Make that switch purchase worth it.

I'd rather buy the games to be honest, but many thanks. "Overpriced rubbish"? Each to their own.

And even if you are into emulation, why buy a Switch for £250 when you could do the same thing on a Raspberry Pi (not that I condone either)? If any suggestion is overpriced rubbish, it's yours.
What a waste of time and money.
You can run old 8 and 16 bit emulators on the switch. They play roms great and the games are much better than than the overpriced rubbish Nintendo sell.
Hollow knight is just no match for Metroidvania games on the NES and SNES. Get that switch dusted down from the bookcase and get RetroNX installed. Make that switch purchase worth it.

Why are you here?
Have looked over the past few pages for an answer, but nothing...if I switch my Nintendo account region and buy Mario Kart and Splatoon 2 off the South African eShop, then switch my region back to UK, I'll have no issues playing the games? especially online? I don't know how Nintendo online works but I don't really want to be playing on South African or whatever servers when I'm in the UK! Thanks for any replies.
Have looked over the past few pages for an answer, but nothing...if I switch my Nintendo account region and buy Mario Kart and Splatoon 2 off the South African eShop, then switch my region back to UK, I'll have no issues playing the games? especially online? I don't know how Nintendo online works but I don't really want to be playing on South African or whatever servers when I'm in the UK! Thanks for any replies.

If you buy in the SA store and swap to the UK store it is exactly the same as if you bought it on the UK store. It shows on your account, you can re-download it, it's in English etc.
Into the Breach is the real deal. Been playing all morning. Seems simple at first but like all good things there is a ton of depth to it the further you go. Definitely scratches that Advance Wars itch.
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