*** Nintendo Switch ***

Vesparia is on my list.

Haven't got time for it yet though. Recently started Horizon: ZD on PS4, got SMBU arriving later today, and I've just bought a GPU so I can have a go at Forza Horizon and Sea of Thieves.

Plus, my Switch backlog is now worse than my Steam one...
Anyone reckon the Pokeball Plus is really worth it, or worth keeping for the next generation Pokemon games? Picked up my copy of Let's Go with one recently as a bundle and torn on whether to keep it for the novelty, or move it on to offset the cost of the package.

I'm really debating whether its worth keeping based on the minimal amount of usage and titles it works with, but at the same time, I don't want to feel annoyed later and regret it :)
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Someone in work bought in a Pokeball so I gave it a go. The novelty wore off in about 15 seconds, possibly less. If I were 10 years old or less I'd have loved it!

Also, FF7 bored me to tears.
Anyone reckon the Pokeball Plus is really worth it, or worth keeping for the next generation Pokemon games? Picked up my copy of Let's Go with one recently as a bundle and torn on whether to keep it for the novelty, or move it on to offset the cost of the package.

I'm really debating whether its worth keeping based on the minimal amount of usage and titles it works with, but at the same time, I don't want to feel annoyed later and regret it :)

I have it, no not really. I played the first few hours with it and then reverted to pro controller so I didn't need to 'throw' pokeballs anymore.

On another note my copy of Super Mario U dropped on the doormat today, wont get time to play today though.
Reading this morning that 22 SNES titles have been found from a datamine of the NES Online app. There's some great stuff on there so hopefully it's real.
I haven’t kept up to date with it.. but I assume we’re going to start getting like a virtual console type thing for switch ? For old Nintendo games ?

No proper virtual console but you get a handful of NES games with their paid online service with more NES and SNES games promised,
Let us know what you think, £40 seems steep but if it’s a classic I’ll pick it up.

Multiplayer is gimped as there is always one player forced to play an easy mode character, and in the expansion two players have to play easy and pathetically easy mode characters.

It's also missing an entire feature that used the wiiu game pad.

It's definitely one to wait for 50% off in a future sale. Luckily Nintendo are much more into discounting first party games on the switch.

If you want to scratch that platformer itch then rayman is a fantastic game.
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