*** Nintendo Switch ***

There does look like there's a ton of content in Mario Maker 2. Unfortunately I've no interest in creating levels so I don't really know how I feel about it. Can you just play it and not build stuff?

I wasn't too fussed about making levels when I started but found this to be the most enjoyable part, much more than just playing levels.

Seeing the completion rate, where people failed or receiving stars for my course was really cool, looks like there are some good community tools this time round too.
I wasn't too fussed about making levels when I started but found this to be the most enjoyable part, much more than just playing levels.

Seeing the completion rate, where people failed or receiving stars for my course was really cool, looks like there are some good community tools this time round too.

I'd buy SMM2 just for the 100 level story mode! But I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into this.

Did anyone play the original here? Is it likely this game is going to be hard to design levels with a controller? I like the idea of using the Switch's screen to build levels, but I also love playing on my TV.
Final Fantasy VII on Switch has received an update, 1.01, which fixes a few things, but notably the music loop glitch which has plagued the re-releases for years. To my knowledge this is the only version that has received the update thus far, pretty much hailing the Switch version, in my mind, as the definitive version.

Buying tonight based on this alone.
Bought it last week, if I'm honest there is 1 thing that really bugs me about the game... the display has black borders round the edges! WHY!!!
Loved FF VII when it was new. Can't even entertain the idea of grinding levels now

Good job you don't have to then :p

There's both a 3x speed increase as and when you want it, random encounter switch off, and basically an invincibility mode (although you can still be beaten).

Having said that I do enjoy the grind, it's part of the experience.
Good job you don't have to then :p

There's both a 3x speed increase as and when you want it, random encounter switch off, and basically an invincibility mode (although you can still be beaten).

Having said that I do enjoy the grind, it's part of the experience.

Interesting, there's an option to take the core gameplay mechanic out then :p Still wouldn't want to play it again though. Never meet your heroes etc.

Switch estore has so much shovelware on it now :/ Hadn't looked recently, the whats new sections looks like a jumble sale
Celeste has beaten me. I have had to stop doing the B sides or I'll never complete the game.

It's a shame that you can't save the B side progress and come back to it as I am not willing to do all the rooms up to the point I'm stuck at again.
Celeste has beaten me. I have had to stop doing the B sides or I'll never complete the game.

It's a shame that you can't save the B side progress and come back to it as I am not willing to do all the rooms up to the point I'm stuck at again.

And I'm glad I did. Surprisingly it's got quite a nice mirror story to the game.
Never meet your heroes etc.

Interesting take - I've played FFVII every year since I first played it (1998, the PC version), I couldn't imagine never playing it again!

Switch estore has so much shovelware on it now :/ Hadn't looked recently, the whats new sections looks like a jumble sale

It's trash. Even their upcoming games aren't the games that you'd think Nintendo would be pushing. Honestly, it's awful - I basically don't browse on there anymore, rather, just look online to see what games I'd like and go on the store to buy said games.
All the first party stuff is still pretty much full price physically (because Nintendo evergreens generally stay that way). Cheaper fun can be had with indie games on the store. Best way would be to go onto something like Metacritic and sort all games by score and look into what you might like.
All the first party stuff is still pretty much full price physically (because Nintendo evergreens generally stay that way). Cheaper fun can be had with indie games on the store. Best way would be to go onto something like Metacritic and sort all games by score and look into what you might like.
Thanks bud will look.
Amazon just sent me an empty box where Zelda should be so I'm kinda ****** off.
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