*** Nintendo Switch ***

I always get excited for the Nintendo direct. But I love E3 overall. its pretty much my favourite time of the year. I watch most of the presentations :p
Setting myself up for disappointment with the direct ;) that's the spirit right? More Mario maker and a smash DLC character would be a waste of their show time if they hang on those too long.

Windwaker hd, flip that dusty switch! And make it available right now;)
Well animal crossing for 2020, delayed. :'(
Can't believe the Zelda showing! I'm sure it'll take forever to come out, but a sequel to breath of the wild is something everyone can agree with.
I was happy to see more of Astral Chain, and Luigis Mansion3 they look like real high quality titles. Panzer Dragoon ... YES! and a sequel to BOTW is most welcome. On the downside No Bayonetta or new hardware news :(
Ok so I need to buy a Switch now. I was kind of hoping they would announce a refresh of the hardware, a mk2 or something. Doesn’t look like that will happen now.

So many great looking games on this platform now, biggest problem is not just the cost but finding the time to play them all?!
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