*** Nintendo Switch ***

Nice, will grab Hollow Knight for sure.
Oh man, Doom, Wolfenstein 2, Xenoblade also on sale. If they added the Final Fantasies I would be broke!

Edit: Oh crap, FF is on sale too
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BOTW sequel. give me a pre-order already... :D

I’m looking forward to this more than any game on pc and xb/PS4. I love BOTW (well Zelda in general), a complete sequel which apparently from what I’ve read is going to be darker than majoras mask and also with the return of ganon. I cannot wait.

It’s going to be some time what 2020, early 2021? But something to look forward to for sure. Hopefully with a Nintendo switch 2 to go with it.
Loved Ori and the Blind forest so have always avoided Hollow Knight as thought it was bit of a rip off of Ori - Has anyone played both? Is it worth getting Hollow Knight while it's on offer?
Loved Ori and the Blind forest so have always avoided Hollow Knight as thought it was bit of a rip off of Ori - Has anyone played both? Is it worth getting Hollow Knight while it's on offer?
Loved Ori and by all accounts Hollow Knight I have not seen a bad word said about it.
They are both Metroidvania games in that exploration and finding items and beating bosses opens up new areas and progression. They are both very different and both excellent. You can't call Hollow Knight and rip of Ori when they are both a rip of every Metroidvania that came before them (even the term is a rip of what came before)! But they are no less great for that. I'd put Hollow Knight above Ori. The sheer size of the adventure is incredible and for £5 it's ridiculous how much game you're getting.
They are both Metroidvania games in that exploration and finding items and beating bosses opens up new areas and progression. They are both very different and both excellent. You can't call Hollow Knight and rip of Ori when they are both a rip of every Metroidvania that came before them (even the term is a rip of what came before)! But they are no less great for that. I'd put Hollow Knight above Ori. The sheer size of the adventure is incredible and for £5 it's ridiculous how much game you're getting.

Cheers, I'll pick it up and give it a go, will keep me going till Will of the wisps next year :)
BOTW2 seems more likely for next year than Metroid, given they've had to completely restart the latter project. In the absence of any other big teasers, I'm willing to believe Zelda could arrive next year. From the teaser trailer, it looks like a lot of content from the first game could just be recycled for the sequel.
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BOTW2 seems more likely for next year than Metroid, given they've had to completely restart the latter project. In the absence of any other big teasers, I'm willing to believe Zelda could arrive next year. From the teaser trailer, it looks like a lot of content from the first game could just be recycled for the sequel.

i ****ing hope they recycle the content and just make another great game in quick time. I've never understood why companies make an engine, get everything working, release a game, and then don't release anything for another 8+ years, requiring a complete new engine, but updates etc.

Zelda botw was great. It just needs some tweaks, but not much. I am in no way an expert, but I am sure that creating new lands areas people etc isn't that time consuming now they have the base there.

I pray they do what they did with majoras mask and release essentially botw2 in the next 1/2 years.

however with that said, i remember botw being in development, and that was what 6 years before it finally came.
I hope combat is a bit more meaningful in BOTW2 and dungeons are a better mix of puzzle and combat. Personally I would like durability to be a bit less aggressive too.
Decided it was finally time to pick up the Xenoblade 2 expansion pass, £17.99 isn't too bad for what appears to be a 15-20 hour story campaign. I'd love to get some of the other switch ports but there's no way I can justify the prices. £36 for FFXII when I picked it up on PS4 for £15 18 months ago is scandalous. £10-13 is a bit too much for FFVII and IX as well considering I can play them on the PSP if I wanted them on the go.
That Unravel 2 price is good, I hear it's very good.

Anyone who hasn't bought Hollow Knight, get it done. Not usually my style of game but it's so good, so much content too.
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