Nitefly's 'Hearts on Fire' Log

Mirin deads, shame you've got wrist spastication as you're missing out on essential grip training! Any way to fix your wrist?
Resting I would assume. Over-trained dem wrists last time. Will give them a fortnight rest when I go to London the week after next.
After my cardio today I weighed myself on the gym scales of doom. You know the ones - NOW MEASURING YOUR WEIGHT. AND HEIGHT. No ****.

Bearing in mind I had just sweated everywhere to death, I weighed in at respectable 76.1kg, a loss of 1.5kg (3.3lbs) from one month ago. I'm pleased - I was concerned I'd lost far more mass. It looks like I have!

MORE importantly, it said my height was 6' 1.6".

Oh yeah.
Squats 80kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Bench 60kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Rows - 50kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Decline 50kg - 10,8,5 -> negative dips
OH Squats 10kg - 8x5


Like a red hot chef's knife through butter. Feel like a king :D
Squats 82.5kg - 5,5,5,5,5
OHP 37.5kg - 5,5,3,3,3
DL 100kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Pull Ups -> negatives to 5 - 5,3,2 - Pull downs 50kg - 5,5

Another good session today. Squats feelings really good having made sure I'm warmed and stretched up. No weird pains or anything. For deadlift I focussed on my core real hard. Keep on bleeding everywhere so I'm going to have to get some proper weightlifting socks - deadlifting in trousers is warm.

OHP with strict rests, having completed that weight previously, was just not happening and I died on the third set. Will consult the usual suspects to decide what to do next time around!

Please with 5 pull ups too, back in the game :)
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Just had a thought, that I'm not sure I've previously thought, or gone as far as voicing as a thought, regarding your OHP.

Have you played around with different grip widths?
After my gym session I thought my grip might be wrong and I have already been looking at it today. It seems my grip has been too wide and my wrists should sit close to my shoulders. I'll change this for next time.
Squats 85kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Bench 62.5kg - 3,3,2,2,2
Rows - 50kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Decline 50kg - 5,5,5,6,6
OH Squats 10kg - 8x5

Like a wooden spoon through adamantium on bench today! Phwoar! I think heavy cardio on the two preceding days with no carbs for 72 hours was a bit optimistic. Looking forward to attacking it again next time :D
Nitefly, check the FB group for SS 3rd Edition. Rippetoe goes through grip width selection in great detail in the OHP section.

Oddly, although, I may be completely wrong here, I vaguely recall Ice having a few issues with some stuff that Rippetoe has said. I may be completely mistaken here though!

Cressey did some stuff on Bench Grip though that did my nut in. My Wrists cannot do that!

Hmmm the OHP explanation is fairly logical as I recall, it's pretty much just torque & moment arm consideration. Relies on perfect proportions though.
Squats 87.5kg - 5,5,5,5,5
OHP 37.5kg - 5,5,5,5,5
DL 105kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Pull Ups -> negatives to 5 - 4,3,2 - Pull downs 50kg - 5,5

Really had to concentrate hard so my back didn't snap off on squats. Deadlift was suffering as a result, it was pretty much impossible to keep all the weight on my heels on the last two sets. A bit, sweaty, bloody mess by the end of it (yes, I really do need those socks).

OHP was much easier with the narrower grip, but still hard and I was screaming to get out those last reps. I'm bored of 37.5kg now, up next time.
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