No AHCI Mode ! , Quick respond!

im using a P5N-E SLI motherboard which does not have AHCI, my OCZ Vertex 2E 120GB is running at blistering speeds. No hassle it just worked from the word go and is on a decent firmware (1.23). TRIM is all done by the Operating System. It will be compliant on any format be it IDE or AHCI.
Windows 7 alligns the SSD for you already and is the most suited OS for SSD's.

mmm, there are too many opinions on this subject, meaning some people says it work, some people say it doesnt, damn all i can get from this is, if you want to be able to use the latest technology you gotta upgrade...maybe i am wrong but this is a bit confusing, i think i will stay with my raid setup for now, not like i need anything fast than what i got right now
This is great news guys. I've spent months thinking I was wasting my time buying a SSD without any AHCI mode on my board. Glad I seen this thread now :)
Hmmm having some issues on a completely new windows 7 install

Tried to turn off indexing and it says

" an error occured applying attributes to the file " , access denied!

I tried opening the hosts file to add some apps/links to block then save it won't let me. The file isn't even on read only and i have full admin rights :mad:
WOW so far impressions are amazing , i have like 3 apps installing at once opening up other stuff and it's instant. Windows boots up the quickest i've ever seen it . What took the longest and stil is , is me as a human finding what i need to install and download it lol :D. Will benchmark shortly




Over 200 mb/s on both read and write... Yes it's not as fast as it should be probably some 50+ mb/s slower but you really wont notice that!. GET ONE NOW :) then when you upgrade your board you've got a further upgrade in ssd performance from ahci :)

This is the OCZ Vertex 2E Bigfoot 120GB on the Asus P5N-E-SLI which uses the Nvidia chipset, about a month old with 82GB left with Trim need to set anything as Trim is enabled by windows 7, this is obviously in IDE mode as AHCI is not an option with the Nvidia chipset......but works fine!

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Neil can you give me or link me to a detailed guide how to turn indexing off? This is something i have not done yet and i can see it improving my performance even more!
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