No AHCI Mode ! , Quick respond!

lol it says in that benchmark that your writes are maxing out at about 216 mb/s and the reads are at 268 mb/s give or take :)
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Tried enabling AHCI on my Asus P6X58D-E but I get insta BSOD on booting into Windows.

Use Atto to benckmark the OCZ Vertex2 it will give you a more realistic result compared to the other benchmark software.

Your Reads were low on that test but your write's were fine.

wow guy, the next question would be, can you use a clone software to copy from HDD to SSD or would it be advisable to do it all fresh???

i know installing going to be quick installing on a SSD just cant be bothered to do the system setup again, unless it is really needed??
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Personally mate to avoid a range of issues, i would go for the fresh install. Do you have another networked computer? Place installation files etc on either a different machine/memory stick/extra HDD and then install when you have finished installing windows. If it is games on STEAM the backup manager on there is brilliant. And you can have your games back in no time.
Hello people,
first sorry for my bad english.
I know the post is from year 2010, but my board is old too.

I seen the post´s and was happy it is possible with the P5N-E SLI board to get
transmission rate about to 250MB/s.
So i bought a SSD Samsung 850 Pro 128 GB and connected to the sata II on the board.
With ATTO and the original Benchmark-Test from samsung i get values from
138 MB/s read and 113 MB/s write and IOPS about 14000.
I have connected to another SATA II pin, the same problem.
SATA II Port from 1 to 4, and i connected a HDD on port 1 and the SSD to Port 2 and another time to Port 3.
My System:
ASUS P5N-E SLI with NVIDIA 650i Chipset without AHCI funktion
Q6600 2,4 GHz
WIN 7 Deutsch PRO 32bit SP1
IDE HDD with os
SATA Port 1 HDD file-system
SATA Port 2 SSD file-system (for test the SSD, later get SSD the OS)
I have testet with and without DMA-Acces, Blocksize AUTO and LARGE, Cache on/off.
I have clone the OS to the SSD and let it boot on ssd, ok its faster about half time to HDD on the IDE-BUS with 133MB/s, but its not really good feeling.
Have the OS on HDD, and SSD as volume without data tested, with GUI and MBR, with part RAW Partition for the SSD controller self, always the same result.

I think the SSD is in SATA I mode, but i cant it manually change and see the value in the original software from samsung magician.

I know it is the best way when the OS is install new on the SSD and the AHCI mode is before installing at on, but as "second" Volume without an OS i think it´s not important ?!?!

I hope maybe about 220-250 MB/s is possible, it is a SATA II connection, and i see on the post´s it is possible, why not by my system ???

Already Thanks for helping

Best regards from germany/bavaria -> City Regensburg
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